Sentences with phrase «front right leg»

His front right leg had been kicked out of the socket so many times, the dog's elbow protruded at a painful angle.
In perhaps one of the worst cruelty cases the Center has seen, Dwayne's extreme mistreatment left its mark on his deformed mouth, front right leg and elbow, skin and coat.
My German Spitz is just 2 month old and while playing he got a injury in front right leg he limping from last 3 days And now his front leg is little curved outside What shall I do now please help
My mom took her for a walk and said she was limping a little but she was fine walking and now she seems a little stiff and won't put a lot of weight on her front right leg.
I came home to my dog limping on his front right leg yesterday.
At first, I figured she would be fine in a few minutes, but this was yesterday morning and she still won't use her front right leg.
Our 11 month old hound mix has been limping for about a month on her front right leg.
Can not put any weight on front right leg.
Abby's right front leg had to be amputated because her front right leg had no tendons nor nerve connections to her shoulder to her spine.
A horribly disfigured Pointer mix rescued from the streets of Tijuana earlier this year was doing better than expected Thursday, so a scheduled surgery to repair his front right leg was canceled, according to the Helen Woodward Animal Center.
The foot with one toe had enough pad to form a short but usable front right leg.
Then put the dog's front right leg on the second stair next to the left one.
The bone was entirely shattered at the joint, and there is the possibility that his front right leg may need to be amputated in the future.
Joey had a severe injury to front right leg, as well as broken teeth and was in need of immediate medical attention to amputate his leg.
Question: Rami developed a limp with his front right leg in early September.

Not exact matches

He is my heart with a pair of legs walking right in front of me.
While pulling into Homer's long driveway, Ralph notices in the yard a pig with a right front wooden leg.
Bruesewitz, Wisconsin's senior forward and unquestioned team leader, fell on the back side of the basket standard, his right front leg sliced open by metal that was a part of the base.
I also saw some nice depth on his slider as he adjusts his «front foot strike» by leaning into, instead of thrusting off (right leg).
Velasco himself carries a stuffed Curious George in the front of his pack because he considers his addiction to ultrarunning, which has trashed his right leg, a monkey on his back.
And while there are similarities with the Shane Long incident, in that case the defender clearly, on every viewing, cuts his left leg across the front of Shlong's right.
I make sure to choose a setting that fits my baby's unique shape and provides coverage at the back above the bum dimple; the front just below the belly button; and ensure that the leg elastics fit right into the creases of his thighs.
Right photo: Or, if you prefer to pin (I do), bring up the front of the diaper between baby's legs.
Then, grab the left or right edge of your baby's prefold cloth diaper, pull it around your baby to meet the front cloth diaper panel, and press in the grippers of the matching leg into the fabric wing; you feel it sort of «hook».
All male spiders have a pair of sex organs called pedipalps, held like two boxing gloves in front of their face, but in this particular daddy - long - legs spider the right pedipalp was twice as large as the left.
The fetus was upside down rather than right side up, and its front legs were not yet extended as they should be just before birth.
The front leg should be bent in front of the body as close to a right angle as possible with the back leg straight out behind.
Step backward with your right leg and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees.
Bend right knee out to the side so that leg forms a 90 - degree angle and front of right hip is touching the floor (A).
Bend the right leg in front and the left behind with the sole of your right foot touching the left knee.
Standing Toe Touches Standing with your feet hip - width apart and your arms extended overhead, contract your abs and kick your right leg out in front of you while bringing your left arm down to touch your toes.
Now, straighten your left leg and pop up to draw your right leg in front of you (e).
Jump straight up explosively and as your feet leave the floor, cross your right leg in front of your left, then uncross so you land with feet shoulder - width apart to complete one rep (b).
Holding a medicine ball out in front of you, step forward into a lunge with the right leg.
Single - leg squat to bench: Sit down on a step with your right leg extended in front of your body.
Loosen your hips using this kneeling hip stretch: Kneel on left leg, with right leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you; place right hand on right hip and raise left arm (A).
With one weight in your left hand, assume a warrior / lunge position with right leg in front and left leg back, toes at about 11 o'clock.
Then quickly stand up and kick your right leg out straight in front of you.
Step your right leg back, keeping your weight in the left (front) leg.
Imagine there is a piece of wood on the ground right in front of you and lower your «ax» to chop the wood, coming to just above the ground, then follow through legs.
After your 20 squats, do 15 stable lunges with your right leg starting in front.
Lie or sit on the floor with your right leg extended straight out in front of you and a towel roll under your right knee.
How to Lie on right side, supported on elbow, legs long and slightly in front of body.
Standing in front of a bench or chair holding a dumbbell at each side, step up onto it with your right leg and bring your left leg up to follow.
Step your right leg backwards into a modified lunge position where your foot crosses behind and to the left of your front leg.
Without bending your knee, kick your right leg while extending your left arm out in front of you to touch your toe.
Repeat all four exercises in a lunge on the other side, with the right leg in front.
Step forward with right leg, and lower into lunge position (don't let front knee go past toes).
Take a complete breath, and on an exhale lift your right leg straight out in front of you, placing your palms together, thumbs adjoining at the heart center.
This may take some practice, but on an inhale, see if you can bend through the left leg and start lifting your right leg out in front of you, to come to a standing position with the right leg extended.
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