Sentences with phrase «frontal lobe volumes»

Their results showed that AF was associated with smaller frontal lobe volumes, even after adjusting for age, gender, vascular risk factors and APOE4 (a gene independently linked to smaller brain volumes).
The researchers examined total cerebral volume, frontal lobe volume, temporal lobe volume, hippocampal volume and white matter hyper - intensity volume in patients without prior stroke or dementia.
According to a recent Framingham Heart Study, people who experience the heart arrhythmia atrial fibrillation (AF), may also suffer from a smaller brain, specifically reduced frontal lobe volume.
Obese Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Have Hippocampal and Frontal Lobe Volume Reductions

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When Thompson's team looked at brain scans of 206 healthy people aged 70 to 80, they found that those with at least one copy of the FTO variant had 8 per cent less volume in their frontal lobes and 12 per cent less in the occipital lobes, compared with their counterparts lacking the variant.
«Association discovered between atrial fibrillation, reduced frontal lobe brain volumes
The scientists found that an area in the lower frontal lobe, the so - called orbitofrontal cortex, exhibited smaller volumes in the healthy individuals that reported that they have problems with regulating emotions.
Increases in working memory - related activation volume of 82, 73, 83, and 36 % were observed in the left frontal, right frontal, left parietal, and right parietal lobes, respectively, for 3 T compared with 1.5 T.
Higher expenditure of energy was associated with larger gray matter volumes in the parietal, temporal and frontal lobes, which included the basal ganglia, posterior cingulate and hippocampus.
For the frontal lobe, we observe a statistically significant association with growth and volume, with initial evidence suggesting volume, rather than growth, has a stronger influence on externalizing symptoms for low SES children (volume β = − 0.000158, p =.049; growth β = − 0.00138, p =.045).
Given the importance of the frontal lobe in behavioral regulation [50], we also hypothesized that variations in this brain area (both in regards to lower volume and slower growth) would be related to greater disruptive behavioral problems in children (as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL).
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