Sentences with phrase «frontal plane of movement»

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And especially the muscles that keep the leg in place in the frontal plane (resisting movements to the left or to the right of the body).
Which means movements that combine all three planes of motion - transverse, saggital & frontal - have huge benefits on...
Trains all 3 Planes of Motion It's important to develop strength and competency throughout all three movement planes (sagittal, frontal and transvPlanes of Motion It's important to develop strength and competency throughout all three movement planes (sagittal, frontal and transvplanes (sagittal, frontal and transverse).
What has yet to be investigated is if foam rolling the anterior thigh will still cause improvements in hip extension when stretch is placed on the rest of the frontal plane or if the range of motion gained transfers to dynamic movement.
Proving the painting's flatness with frontal shapes or solid stripes must have seemed superfluous or monotonous to him; he wanted movement; he wanted your eyes to dance and skitter across the painting, where the ground might be mottled or solid, where the shifts of color and surface pull you closer, where the space between the planes and vibrate or smolder, where color intensities vary considerably.
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