Sentences with phrase «frowned upon on»

And, though I enjoy many aspects of French culture, I am disappointed to learn that early morning burnouts are frowned upon on the Champs - Elysees.
Whereas stalking people you've never met is frowned upon on Facebook, buddying up to strangers won't get you any weird looks on the likes of Twitter, Instagram or even Yelp.
@AlbertoBonsanto - List questions are frowned upon on SE.
Note, however, that self - promotion is often frowned upon on many of these sites, so do so as sparingly and subtly as you can.

Not exact matches

He frowns upon the desperate and crude approach most people associate with the term «networking» and encourages people to focus on building genuine relationships.
Hefner had been a supporter of civil rights as well, and regularly featured African - American guests on his TV shows during a time that was frowned upon.
And the Japanese frowned upon the idea of filming on Iwo Jima because it's considered a, you know, shrine because they lost so many people there.
«Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;» Proverbs 3:5 Generally speaking, the Bible frowns upon actually using your brain.
Imagine the legal and medical teams every heart patient would have to hire on to prove their illness wasn't caused by something the employers morals frown upon.
If you are willing to out yourself as a recovering alcoholic in order to possibly help others or shed light on a topic it is not frowned upon but looked at as a major step in recovery.
It is interesting for Western Europeans to note that the term «Eastern Europe» was deeply frowned upon by the participants from these latter countries, who insisted instead on «Central Europe.»
Grab a couple carrots and see if these are the carrot muffins you've been waiting for too... and let me assure you, a dollop of cream cheese icing on top would not be frowned upon at all:)
Due to the heavy West Indian influence on the islands and large Hindu and Muslim populations, consumption of beef and pork is frowned upon, and chicken curry is practically considered a national dish.
I'm not entirely sure, but running into a compete stranger's house and plopping down on the couch is probably frowned upon.
On Monday afternoons, the Capitol offers a baby friendly matinee for parents and caregivers, during which nursing, bottle feeding, fussing, crying, and changing diapers is never frowned upon.
a. Although purees are generally frowned upon by the baby led weaning community, you can still always consider mashing your apricots and serving them as a sort of spread on top of small pieces of toast for a tasty breakfast - style treat for your baby.
I have not had my child so I personally have no dog in this fight but I would like to shed a light on why breast feeding a TODDLER is frowned upon so much: 1.
It was reported that he bought an at - home ultrasound machine to help him keep an eye on Katie's womb during her pregnancy, a move that was frowned upon by medical professionals.
While many generations have survived without having cellphones at school and some frown upon their use, a great many parents and kids rely on their phones to stay in touch throughout the school day.
I have 1 tip that might be a bit frowned upon but we've tried so often to put her down for a nap during the day by herself once she was fast asleep in me but she would wake up instantly, until she was put on her tummy.
At one point, I owned half a dozen strollers (attachment parenting frowns upon these because they keep Mom from physically connecting with her baby), but I also strap my almost 5 - year - old into an Ergo baby carrier — and love feeling her big - girl weight on my back.
@user1873 - actually, adding signatures / thankses is expressly frowned upon in Help section somewhere (I was reading it on a new SE site and saw that as a bullet point).
This is why forensic musicologists frown upon mash - ups, which fall under the «Disparaged Methods» section of a 2013 paper on distinguishing between science and pseudoscience in forensic acoustics.
Each meal is mainly vegetarian based, with a bit of seafood on alternating days, and even too much fruit is frowned upon as it's full of sugar.
On the drive there, I chugged a couple of coconut waters for the hydration, and hid snacks and drinks in my pillowcase (eating during labor is frowned upon in hospitals).
From what I've seen they are mostly frowned upon due to the various fungi that are found on peanuts that persist through processing, correct?
Showing up in yoga pants and sneakers anywhere outside of the gym was once frowned upon, yet today's street - style icons and professionals alike flaunt their healthy lifestyle on the go by donning limited - edition trainers matched with high - performance sportswear and smart - tech gear.
Sadly, jeans on Mondays are frowned upon so I had to wear something else.
It's stunning — but would I be frowned upon for attempting to style it with bingo wings??? Baci Sally xx ps hope your size is still around when it's time for the sales Suzanne — I'd love to see it on a real woman.
Maybe that would be frown upon... Thanks for you your compliments on my dress.
Plus, you can wear a denim skirt to the office (depending on the office), which is something I think might be frowned upon with the shorts.
Therefore, for the majority, sex on the first date would be frowned upon.
While men usually pay for dinners (it's still frowned upon to ask for split bills), women spend a lot of money on clothes, shoes, hair salons, perfumes, skincare products, and cosmetics, trying...
Fast forward a few years and the on - line dating is no longer frowned upon; it broke into mainstream, and now it is actually a perfect tool for someone in the 47 to 68 range to find a suitable partner on - line.
Even though we're all cool with it here and we KNOW it's something that's been going on pre-our-time, it's so frowned upon by society.
This energetic, anarchic and droll — it's full of great one - liners, especially from Alan («It's not illegal, it's frowned upon, like... masturbating on an airplane»)-- Vegas farce benefits from a convincing chemistry between the four men.
«Every time,» he answers, rubbing his swollen knuckles, but the look on his face says more: the claws have made him an outcast in a world that frowns upon genetic mutation and calls him Wolverine.
on In Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor's operation — real teaching experience is frowned upon
Changed your answer to a comment since it's a «link only» answer, which are really frowned upon here on Stack Exchange.
And while accelerating on two wheels sounds like it's frowned upon by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Demon is fully street - legal across the nation.
It's positioned to take on the BMW X6 using the latter's very successful (but highly frowned upon) formula of coupe design amalgamated with SUV underpinnings and ground clearance.
I ran a contest on, and whilst I am well aware that this decision is somewhat frowned upon in the design community, I ended up with a stunning piece of cover art, and a designer that I am more than happy to work with on many projects to come.
He lived on the plantation because he was married to Auntie Evelyn and relations between Negroes and whites were frowned upon.
That has set him on a path that the world would frown upon.
Some companies frown upon having a mobile phone out on the desk, even schools feel the same way — where this device by SE could provide that vital link to the handset in order to keep informed of what's what.
1099 is generally frowned upon because during an audit, both the IRS and States occasionally wave their magic wand and declare the companies have to pay taxes on all 1099 employees as if they were W2.
Although such discrimination is frowned upon by RBI, such discrimination based on geographical locations is a stark truth even today.
Even if you pay off the full amount owed on your credit cards each month, the size of the bill has an impact on your score, as large balances are frowned upon.
I know product suggestions are frowned upon but the Chase Slate card has 0 % APR with 0 % transfer fee promotion going on right now.
Most lenders and creditors frown upon such marks on your score caused by such a credit management program.
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