Sentences with phrase «frowns upon for»

At that time, and through many centuries later, it was not, as far as I can tell, frowned upon for men to beat their wives.
It is a saturated fat, so it has made a strong come back from a history of being frowned upon for that reason.
It is frown upon for cultural reasons.
Mines are frowned upon for the same reason.
Saturated fats have been frowned upon for increasing cardiovascular risk, but even though coconut oil contains saturated fat, it actually increases your levels of good cholesterol.
It's stunning — but would I be frowned upon for attempting to style it with bingo wings??? Baci Sally xx ps hope your size is still around when it's time for the sales Suzanne — I'd love to see it on a real woman.
White markings are frowned upon for showing.
Forced to work severely ill or being frowned upon for leaving 20 minutes early to make it to the latest appointment available for yourself to be seen.
It was frowned upon for girls to engage in class in any meaningful way.
Even then, although accepted as a scholastic measure, it was frowned upon for women to get too «smart,» being instructed to leave pertinent decisions to the man of the house.

Not exact matches

For example, when Dollar Shave Club launched it did so through YouTube videos using off - beat, sarcastic humor that many office cultures frown upon.
One main reason for it was the fact that Kalanick faced tremendous pressure from investors who frowned upon the money - losing China operations.
While normally, we would frown upon this, the fat that Moon is a well - respected and trusted company and that they do not make the page confusing for their users makes us forgive this minor inconvenience.
A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell - mouths mercy, and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
Suggest this and prepare for a lynching, yet isn't this merely a negative expression of doing unto others as you would have done to you though frowned upon besuace there are better ways.
And honestly if Joe would of went to the police and they found nothing, he would of gotten in trouble for false information and then people would of still frowned upon him..
For example — Often used by many christians as an arguement for intolerence towards human rights... I pose that every religiously ran nation like that of Iran and Iraq are exactly what the religious in this supposedly tolerent country wish to turn this country into, where science and logically thought are frowned upon and knowledge of fairy tales are rewardFor example — Often used by many christians as an arguement for intolerence towards human rights... I pose that every religiously ran nation like that of Iran and Iraq are exactly what the religious in this supposedly tolerent country wish to turn this country into, where science and logically thought are frowned upon and knowledge of fairy tales are rewardfor intolerence towards human rights... I pose that every religiously ran nation like that of Iran and Iraq are exactly what the religious in this supposedly tolerent country wish to turn this country into, where science and logically thought are frowned upon and knowledge of fairy tales are rewarded.
The preference for a male may be unspoken or obliquely voiced by search committees, especially in liberal Protestant denominations where «it is totally unacceptable to refuse» pastor candidates because of gender, race or ethnicity and it is «frowned upon» to make age or marital status an issue, said the study, published last year as part of the Pulpit & Pew project at Duke Divinity School.
This is what happens when you live in a society where se.xuality is so heavily frowned upon by the religious folks in high positions of power who attempted to suppress it for centuries.
Why should it be acceptable for christians, jews, muslims or others to convert people to their religion, but once a group of atheists speaks up it is frowned upon?
This overt evangelical support for Israel aligns a branch of American Protestantism that traditionally has frowned upon religious involvement in political matters with the traditionally liberal U.S. Jewish community.
Some anti-circumcision groups, however, say the lawsuit's argument for religious liberty is just an excuse to defend old tradition that some frown upon as strange compared with mainstream hospital circumcisions.
It is interesting for Western Europeans to note that the term «Eastern Europe» was deeply frowned upon by the participants from these latter countries, who insisted instead on «Central Europe.»
CNN: Is praying for a lottery win frowned upon?
Grab a couple carrots and see if these are the carrot muffins you've been waiting for too... and let me assure you, a dollop of cream cheese icing on top would not be frowned upon at all:)
Contrary to popular belief, they don't eat as much pasta as we think;) Anyway, it feels good to try something different, something that's usually frowned upon because it's not necessarily good for you.
I've been known to have eggs for dinner and while some frown upon it, others understand in a sympathetic manner.
In fact, for the last several years, Chiefs receivers have been criticized for cut - blocking away from the ball, a practice that is legal but widely frowned upon.
One of the main reasons you don't see many or any «English Asians» in football is, culturally for them it is frowned upon to aspire to careers in sport (save cricket or tennis) over academic careers, which they perceive as being more stable, lucrative and hold more prestige in society.
Apparently the Clippers offered DeAndre Jordan an endorsement deal with Lexus for $ 200,000 a year that NBA frowned upon, per source.
Also most footballers like to go out for the odd drink and that's equally damaging for your health it's just less frowned upon.
On Monday afternoons, the Capitol offers a baby friendly matinee for parents and caregivers, during which nursing, bottle feeding, fussing, crying, and changing diapers is never frowned upon.
I know that crying it out is frowned upon by some, and I used to agree, but it truly helped in our case and it only lasted 25 minutes at the longest and was only for 3 - 4 days.
However, some medical and parenting experts frowned upon the practice, citing it as a risk for SIDS and claiming that it could generate sleep problems for children as they grew up.
For those with heart conditions, bruised egos, low self - esteem, and / or are currently in a workplace which frowns upon screaming obscenities at the computer monitor followed by smashing your keyboard across your cubicle you may want to read this another time.
a. Although purees are generally frowned upon by the baby led weaning community, you can still always consider mashing your apricots and serving them as a sort of spread on top of small pieces of toast for a tasty breakfast - style treat for your baby.
It's not always a bad thing, but there is clear potential for abuse and so it's frowned upon.
Even for a custodial parent, moves out of state can be frowned upon if the change will limit the children's time with the other parent.
I frequently talk about «table manners» with regard to breastfeeding and it is OK for babies to learn that biting the breast that feeds them is frowned upon.
In order for breastfeeding to be seen as «normal» and natural, and not frowned upon in public, we clearly need to be doing more than what we are doing.
I have 1 tip that might be a bit frowned upon but we've tried so often to put her down for a nap during the day by herself once she was fast asleep in me but she would wake up instantly, until she was put on her tummy.
I breastfeed for the bonding, the boldness of doing what is sometimes frowned upon, and because I think it's a healthy option for my baby.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries sending communications to influential men was, for many early female voters, the most effective way of influencing political debate in a period where public speaking was frowned upon.
Backing his claim with Article 13 of the Constitution which says «no person shall be deprived of his life intentionally except in the exercise of the execution of a sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence under the laws of Ghana of which he has been convicted,» the caucus leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs said, «I do not think that the constitution, in so far as a matter is criminal, frowns upon the use of force to the extent that it may even deprive some other people of their lives.
Bold as it was, his report did little to impress his Catholic - school teacher, whom he suspects frowned upon secular explanations for the heavens.
The latter is widely frowned upon, not least by the research student saddled with an unproductive collaborator (see, for example, Bob Ward, Nature, 14 April, 1994), while the technician's input may have been critical.
Some nations tolerate singing in an elevator, swearing during an interview or entering a bank barefoot, for example, while others frown upon such behaviours.
On the drive there, I chugged a couple of coconut waters for the hydration, and hid snacks and drinks in my pillowcase (eating during labor is frowned upon in hospitals).
Silver is frowned upon and its use discouraged by medical and pharmaceutical powers that be for this reason.
She was courageous in a time when it was frowned upon to do so, she challenged the status quo, and she displayed an unapologetic ora that acts as fuel for today's young women.
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