Sentences with phrase «frozen at current levels»

1155 - DfT - Light dues to be frozen at current levels for 2013 to 2014: the three General Lighthouse Authorities for the United Kingdom and Ireland ensure the navigability of the seas around our islands, preserving the lives of mariners and the integrity of our marine environment.
Saudi Arabia demanded Iran freeze at current levels — 3.7 mb / d — but the FT said that it could be open to Iran freezing at 3.8 mb / d.
The Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and Disability Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE) allow eligible New Yorkers to have their rent frozen at its current level and exempt from future increases.
These grants are essentially frozen at the current level of $ 11.9 billion for FY 2017.
While Title I is frozen at its current level in the President's Budget proposal, Secretary Duncan enthusiastically acknowledges that the vast majority of proposed new dollars in the budget will be distributed competitively.
Well basically the report from the CIPD has found that less than 3 in 5 of us think we will get a pay rise next year, in fact about a third of us expect our pay will be frozen at its current level.

Not exact matches

WASHINGTON (Reuters)- U.S. President Donald Trump's push for a major military buildup suffered a setback on Thursday when the House of Representatives put plans on hold to fully fund the federal government through next Sept. 30 and instead resorted to temporary measures freezing spending at current levels.
It freezes most spending at current levels.
Finally, there is the cost of rolling - back the corporate income tax rate to 18 % from the current 16.5 % and then freezing it at that level.
The chancellor announced plans to cap public sector pay at one per cent for two years, after the current pay freeze ends, and take steps to «rebalance» pay levels across the country.
Meanwhile, the Assembly outlined in broad strokes for the Times Union budget plans that include a freeze of SUNY and CUNY tuition rates at their current levels and a $ 75 million addition to the governor's proposal on state - subsidized child care.
Legislators passed an amendment introduced by majority leader Steve Tucciarello that freezes the Sheriff's pay at its current level.
Chancellor Georg e Osborne had triggered outrage in his 2011 Budget by confirming plans to cap public sector pay at one per cent for two years, after the current pay freeze ends, and take steps to «rebalance» pay levels across the country.
If the process breaks down completely, the current continuing resolution (CR), which freezes spending at 2013 levels, could be extended for weeks or months until cooler heads prevail.
And as New Scientist went to press, the Community had been able to agree only to freeze methyl bromide at its current level of consumption.
So meeting the new 2025 target would essentially freeze emissions at the current level, and the size of that challenge will largely depend on how the economy behaves in the next decade.
My research indicates that the Siberian peat moss, Arctic tundra, and methal hydrates (frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean) all have an excellent chance of melting and releasing their stored co2.Recent methane concentration figures also hit the news last week, and methane has increased after a long time being steady.The forests of north america are drying out and are very susceptible to massive insect infestations and wildfires, and the massive die offs - 25 % of total forests, have begun.And, the most recent stories on the Amazon forecast that with the change in rainfall patterns one third of the Amazon will dry and turn to grassland, thereby creating a domino cascade effect for the rest of the Amazon.With co2 levels risng faster now that the oceans have reached carrying capacity, the oceans having become also more acidic, and the looming threat of a North Atlanic current shutdown (note the recent terrible news on salinity upwelling levels off Greenland,) and the change in cold water upwellings, leading to far less biomass for the fish to feed upon, all lead to the conclusion we may not have to worry about NASA completing its inventory of near earth objects greater than 140 meters across by 2026 (Recent Benjamin Dean astronomy lecture here in San Francisco).
According to a model created by Energy Innovation, a San Francisco research firm, a freeze at the current mpg level will cost consumers $ 64 billion through 2030, and $ 282 billion by 2040.
He says: «It's not enough to freeze greenhouse gas emissions at current levels.
In fact, just last year AFT president Randi Weingarten excoriated Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan for submitting a budget that would freeze the grants at their current level.
The spokesperson claimed that Tory plans to freeze spending for five to 16 - year - olds at its current level, leading to a cut in real terms and the threat of further slices from unprotected education budgets, would mean overall spending of # 5bn less than the Lib Dems by 2020.
On top of cuts to loans, the proposal would freeze the maximum Pell Grant at its current level of $ 5,920 per year for the next 10 years.
The Chancellor opted to freeze the VAT registration threshold at its current level of # 85,000 for two more years from April 2018.
It might also be possible to freeze per capita levels at current population, so that if population increased through childbirth, per capita levels would diminish commensurately.
But as cogently interpreted by the physicist and climate expert Dr. Joseph Romm of the liberal Center for American Progress, «Latif has NOT predicted a cooling trend — or a «decades - long deep freeze» — but rather a short - time span where human - caused warming might be partly offset by ocean cycles, staying at current record levels, but then followed by «accelerated» warming where you catch up to the long - term human - caused trend.
Freeze carbon production at the current level and create programs to reduce carbon production by 90 percent by 2050
If the SCC can be shown to be negative at current levels of abatement (and bear in mind that your excellent chart of net benefits for various abatement paths refers to benefits relative to the 2010 policy stance) then I'd be content to freeze policy at current levels but to steadily transfer all policies to a carbon tax, or at least to cost them on a common basis, ie to treat renewable subsidies as implicit carbon taxes.
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