Sentences with phrase «frozen chunks»

Use a Vitamix to churn up your own tropical treat using frozen chunks of the fruit, and a small splash of coconut milk for a dairy - free way to make it even creamier.
1 cup diced mango (I used frozen chunks, much easier!)
I chopped mine a day ahead of time, and froze the chunks overnight.
You will have to stop often to rearrange the large frozen chunks until they blend smoothly.
I prefer to freeze chunks from bananas that are just lightly speckled but, depending on how sweet you like your sorbet, you may want to wait until they're covered in speckles.
Even with my very well - stocked pantry and kitchen, I have now spent close to $ 200 of various ingredients, drawing the line at a $ 24 bag of vanilla powder (vanilla extract can be substituted) and the very difficult to source Pitaya (up to $ 40 a bag for frozen chunks and unavailable in my Whole Foods markets or at the large organic grocery in the city).
My mother - in - law gave my babies frozen chunks of melon.
Transfer the mixture to a small bowl and sprinkle with the powdered spirulina or break off small frozen chunks of live frozen spirulina and randomly drop them over the cheese mixture.
1 — Combine in the container of a blender: 2 cups coarsely chopped fruit, or 1 cup coarsely chopped fruit and 1 cup berries — a banana can be among these; peel and freeze chunks of bananas for this purpose.
I think with enough batches of nice cream I've perfected the frozen chunks in a Vitamix technique but the line between gently forcing and overheating is a fine one Japanese sweet potatoes in here would be good too, just as sweet as the purple but easier to find.
You can make yuca frita from either fresh yuca root or frozen chunks but it's a bit easier to work with the fresh root.
* I keep my ginger in the freezer and whenever I need some, I pull it out of the freezer and just grate it right off of the frozen chunk!
We used Ataulfos because we picked them up for cheap, but Tommy Atkins will work just fine, and frozen chunks, too.
My main problem with the ice cream (both versions) was the frozen chunks of peach.
Basically you freeze chunks of banana (better if they're a little overripe) then just toss them in a food processor.
If you use a very ripe banana (I freeze chunks of ripe banana for future use at times like this) then you probably shouldn't need any additional sweetener - but it's up to you!
Be sure to stir insuring that no frozen chunks are left.
As a chef, I can tell you that eschewing par - cooked, precision - sliced, extruded, breaded and frozen chunks of what - have - you saves money.
You can make yuca frita from either fresh yuca root or frozen chunks but it's a bit easier to work with the fresh root.
-- Depending on how old, I have frozen chunks of bananas and apples and used the mesh feeders so they could just gum on them
Saturn's dazzling ring system consists of innumerable small, frozen chunks, composed mostly of water ice.
Conventional wisdom held that so far from the Sun the moons of the outer planets would just be dead and frozen chunks of rock and ice.
You can buy avocado in frozen chunks and this is the way I have been consuming them lately as it is convenient and fast and enjoyable!»
Then, I freeze those chunks.
Also, I'll double up on sweet potato cooking, and freeze the chunks and pull from freezer bag as needed if I know that the next week may have an event and cooking may be rushed.
I've roasted diced butternut squash in duck fat or lard, frozen chunks of butternut squash for winter stews, and made soups from butternut squash.
You can eat the frozen chunks on their own or puree them with skim milk for something creamy and cold.
Since I am in the «don't waste anything» camp I wanted to say that when I make beef stock, after chilling and scraping off the fat, I freeze that fat and the next time I grind my own burger meat I add the frozen chunks.
Always make sure dog's waters don't have any frozen chunks, or worse, frozen over completely.
Once I decided on a path, I really started to get a feel of the sense of speed a Sonic game is meant to convey as I took off down the main path while turning Eggman's bots into smoldering heaps of scrap or frozen chunks of ice.
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