Sentences with phrase «frozen ovarian tissue»

In July, a 33 - year - old woman in Edinburgh became the first in Britain to give birth after having frozen ovarian tissue returned to her body.
Doctors have performed similar operations before and about 60 women have had their fertility restored with frozen ovarian tissue since 2001.
If the approach works in women it could be used to boost fertility or help those who froze ovarian tissue prior to chemotherapy.
Ovarian tissue freezing, an outpatient procedure which removes and freezes ovarian tissue for later use, can deliver these outcomes but has been considered experimental until now.

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Helen Picton, who oversaw the tissue - freezing at Leeds University, told the BBC that in Europe alone, several thousand girls and young women have had ovarian tissue frozen and stored.
«Is «ovarian tissue freezing» superior to egg freezing?.»
309 ovarian tissue freezing procedures resulted in 84 births and 8 pregnancies that lasted beyond the first trimester.
Recently Kutluk Oktay, the chief of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, has been experimenting with freezing and transplanting swatches of ovarian tissue.
While individual, already - developed eggs die easily when frozen, immature follicle eggs embedded in the ovarian tissue fare a lot better.
The need for better access to fertility preservation has become more pressing in recent years for two reasons: first, the improved rates of survival in young women and girls diagnosed with cancer; and second, improvements in the techniques of freezing eggs and ovarian tissue to restore fertility.
«Oocyte and embryo freezing are regarded as established,» he said, «but ovarian tissue cryopreservation is considered experimental, although it is the only option for prepubertal girls.»
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