Sentences with phrase «fruit eaters»

The phrase "fruit eaters" refers to animals or people who primarily consume fruits as their main source of food. Full definition
I fully admit that I'm not a big fruit eater, which is why I'm happy that smoothies were invented.
Share My kids are huge fruit eaters but still keeping them out in front has helped them get eaten faster!
Summer is peak season for colorful berries and stone fruit, and fruit eaters tend to weigh less than people who don't enjoy fruit!
She seems to be a very big veggie and fruit eater as well.
So all you parents who are struggling with fussy fruit eaters, just serve the fruit as an ice cream and you will make sure that your child gets enough fruit:).
Fruit eaters also range over larger areas than leaf eaters, so they need top - notch navigation skills.
She adds «The flexible avian fruit eaters prefer to feed on large fruits.
There are only two ways, he says, to get it down that low: put a hundred million people on a lifetime of high - dose statin drugs starting in one's twenties, or be what he calls a «pure vegetarian fruit eater,» which is just what he calls those eating whole foods, plant - based diets.
Around my neckline is The Swallow Fruit Eater Silk Scarf by Rampley & Co which is a beautiful blue and white silk scarf with such precision to detail in terms of design.
Dogs are not generally fruit eaters, so even though humans may like those flavorings, dogs will prefer the meat flavored kind hands down.
I cut out all fruit with the exception of 1 serving of berries or cooked granny smith apples in coconut oil (he was a very very big fruit eater).
My girl is quite a fussy fruit eater but she looooves ice cream.
Tweet My kids are huge fruit eaters but still keeping them out in front has helped them get eaten faster!
Near where I live is a market where fruit / veg are sold in # 1 bowls, and I get so carried away and end up with lots of bowls and then way too much produce for just two people (especially as Mr B is not a big fruit eater).
The large - mammal assemblage shows a preponderance of browsers and fruit eaters.
They learned that the olinguito is mostly active at night, is mainly a fruit eater, rarely comes out of the trees and has one baby at a time.
Rogers said five of the bird species driven from the island were frugivores, or fruit eaters, that helped disperse the seeds of around 70 percent of the forest trees.
I am not a fruit eater so I make sure I eat more cooked veggies than i used to.
It was boring and I was never a fruit eater so was bored and stopped the diet before completing all the phases where you eventually add in veggies and protein.
She still loves most of these foods and has become quite the fruit eater this summer.
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