Sentences with phrase «fruit of life»

We allow the good fruit of our lives to grow in the crappy culture of our darker selves.
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«Suffering accepted and vanquished,» said Cardinal Mercier, «will place you in a more advanced position in your career, will give you a serenity which may well prove the most exquisite fruit of your life
Get a taste of true island life at Sigatoka Market and sample some of the sweetest tropical fruit of your life, or stop in at the villages of Lawai and Nakbuta where visitors are welcomed and you can take home your own little piece of the islands in the form of local handicrafts and pottery.
The ultimate luxury hotel in Melbourne, The Olsen's Penthouse is highlighted by photographs and original John Olsen artworks including the drawing Fruit of Life created by John Olsen during a dinner party with the owners, a nude drawing with fig leaf to obscure the more intimate details.
When evaluating someone you have feelings for, pay attention to the fruit of their life.
I think the question — comes down to more what is the fruit of life based on what we believe about scripture and the way we interpret it.
And this is the fruit of living with a verbally abusive, alcoholic father who repeatedly squanders the family savings - and the hearts of his own children - in pursuit of his demons.
We can see that in human beings and many other creatures, the power to bring about new life has been divided into two collaborating halves — the male which prompts the gift of life, and the female which receives, actively responds, nurtures and brings forth the fruit of life itself.
In my opinion, I would rather the fruits of my life be compassion, love, patience and understanding, not hatred, fear and anger.
True salvation and eternal life is being a part of that lush vine that gives the fruit of life and love to the world.
I am in faith based on the fruit of my life.
Holiness thus becomes the fruit of living united to God and we can only do this through Christ in his Church.
Luke 5:43 - 45 is one of the clearest passages which reveals that the fruit of our lives is the fruit of our lips.
In an act of infinite love, those who could not possibly be happy or reasonably function in a perfect society because of their choice to serve evil are put out of existence, so those who have chosen to live as God would have them can enjoy the fruit of a life in the kingdom of God.
Yep back to the Garden if you want to get to the roots and fruits of life's purpose.
The fruits of all Life is in their sensualisms pleasantries giving rise to many ills of socialisms» diseased constructs!
Horace Mann I would not judge a man by the presuppositions of his life but by the fruits of his life.
Second, the fruits of a life lived in accord with the Spirit are to be embodied not only in individuals, but also in the life of the faithful community.
Besides that will mean eating the Fruit of Life is refusing to learn.
This process of personal assessment involves confession and prayer about the fruit of our lives and its roots.
You'll regain your energy and vigor, making the fruits of life that much sweeter, even when there's no fruit eaten on keto.
That the fruit of our lives, as the fruit of our trees, be the perfect attainment, the crowning glory of a life dedicated to Thee.
Roca pastry chief countries in dating restaurant to taste the fruits of life until.
Given the constraints of shelf space, the product pipeline that requires a 30 - day flushing of «out with the old, in with the new,» and the vagaries of sales numbers and warehousing, the publishing - industry model almost guarantees a writer will have NO books on the shelf in their old age, precisely the time when they need income the most and should be enjoying the fruits of their life's orchard.
Nikki Luna's Tiempos Muertos (2013) is an installation of a thousand diamonds cast from sugar that details the exploitation of cheap labor, while Adrian Ho's Fruits of Life (2013) registers its mournful concern for the Bornean forests that have fallen prey to palm - oil corporations.
Now I just want to get some fragrant plants, put in pots and enjoy the smells, color and fruit of life.
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