Sentences with phrase «fuel crops»

There is a lot of potential to utilize waste fat in the economy, but once we've done that, you have to move into your virgin — i.e. fuel crops.
A new study shows that degraded, marginal or abandoned land may not be very productive for growing fuel crops
These «second - generation» bioenergy crops are often seen as the future of bioenergy because, as perennials, they are far better at storing carbon in the soil and in their biomass than traditional fuel crops like corn and canola.
John Mathews, a professor of strategic management at Macquarie University in Australia, notes that many tropical developing countries have huge swaths of degraded and semiarid land that can be utilized for fuel crops.
Biofuels Growing mushrooms for biodiesel could require far less soil and other resources than commonly cultivated fuel crops.
The use of native prairie grasses is meant to avoid some of the other risks associated with biofuels such as reduced diversity of local animal life and displacing food crops with fuel crops.
Competition between food and fuel crops means that large scale bioethanol production is therefore controversial.
No need to chop down rain forests or compete with food crops to grow carbon - grabbing fuel crops like corn or switchgrass.
Comparing emissions from various fuel crops versus carbon storage in natural ecosystems, Renton Righelato and Dominick Spracklen write that «forestation of an equivalent area of land would sequester two to nine times more carbon over a 30 - year period than the emissions avoided by the use of the biofuel.»
The Telegraph — April 17, 2015 Half of England will be covered by wind turbines, solar panels and fuel crops unless there is huge investment in energy efficiency, campaigners have warned.
We wrote about this incredible proposal to create carbon neutral energy, fresh water, food and fuel crops through symbiotic technologies back in 2008.
The question, says UCSB Bren School of Environmental Science & Management Professor and LCA expert Roland Geyer, is which makes more sense, growing fuel crops to supply alternative - fuel vehicles with ethanol and other biofuels or using photovoltaics (PV) to directly power battery electric vehicles (BEV)?
He also rules out soybeans and grasses and even sugarcane in places such as Brazil because rain forests are being destroyed solely to grow the fuel crop.
At his institute, agronomists will work on identifying or creating the fuel crop of the future, while bio-prospectors will hunt for enzymes that quickly convert tough, indigestible cellulose into sugar.
Biofuels are falling from grace around the world as critics charge that devoting millions of hectares of agricultural land to fuel crops is driving up food prices and that the climate benefits of biofuels are modest at best.
Low - emissions fuels would have to be made from California's waste biomass plus some fuel crops grown on marginal lands without irrigation or fertilizer.
That is creating what federal officials call a «robust fine - fuel crop
As green commentators have pointed out recently, the push for bio-fuels has caused problems for poor people as fertile land is given over to fuel crops, rather than food.
Yet, these ambitious targets can not be met by domestic production of fuel crops.
... Many people argue that making corn - based ethanol is more of an agricultural subsidy for farmers than it is a sound environmental policy.Things get even dodgier for biofuels when you look at the land area that would be needed to grow fuel crops.
But the authors of [a] recent article in Science say that if our primary motive in switching to biofuels is to reduce global warming, then we have to look at all our options for the land that would be needed to grow fuel crops.
The nation's energy portfolio is expanding to include larger investments in wind, solar, and tidal energy, as well as biofuels such as algae and fuel crops, presenting new conflicts and tradeoffs.
These fuel crops can produce usable energy with < 10 % the energy inputs of corn (McLaughlin and Walsh 1998), with lower water and nutrient requirements (Msangi et al. 2007; Heaton et al. 2008a).
Nuclear reactors are dangerous and land clearance and chemical pesticides and fertilisers used to grow fuel crops can cause huge environmental damage, he added.
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