Sentences with phrase «fuel for one's body»

I know that I need to work on nutrition and viewing food as fuel for my body.
Although carbohydrates often get a bad reputation, they are a vital source of fuel for your body.
With a little bit of planning and strategy, you could get the best fuel for your body without breaking the bank.
This means that the muscles will stay healthy and will not break to provide fuel for the body.
They help convert our food into fuel for our body, providing more energy throughout the day.
But it's a very good opportunity to see food as an important fuel for the body rather than simply an indulgence, and to eat foods that are good for you.
The nutrients found in its vegetables and the pear are the perfect fuel for my body.
Plus, healthy fat is a far cleaner and more efficient fuel for your body.
Dinner becomes an important meal because the night is the longest stretch without fuel for the body and also the time for the skin to repair and heal itself.
I love the taste of pancakes, but traditional light and fluffy pancakes made with 100 % white flour, topped with syrup, are terrible fuel for my body.
This green superfood is also loaded with vitamin B6 which serves as backup fuel for your body.
Coconut flakes are a great source of medium chain fats that help us to burn fat and provide immediate fuel for our body and brain.
Since the carbs are not present to provide the necessary fuel for your body, it breaks down the protein using it for energy and not for building muscle.
The thing is, healthy growth needs fresh fuel for the body.
Conventional wisdom has said that to keep your metabolism going, you must be eating on a regular basis and therefore providing regular fuel for your body to consume.
There's a hidden danger to using fats for fuel for your body.
This is the ultimate fuel for your body and muscles giving you more energy, allowing you to lift more, train longer but importantly recover faster.
B vitamins are kinda like the do - all - the - things fuel for our bodies.
By eating protein within one hour of waking, amino acids are provided which can be used as an alternative fuel for the body.
So the objective is to lower carbohydrate intake to a point where there is not enough carbs to create glucose and ketones becomes the natural fuel for the body.
The reason for this is that they act as a power fuel for the body.
The GI can be a useful tool to help athletes select the right type of carbohydrates (the main source of fuel for the body) to consume both before and after exercise.
As we have seen now, ketosis is the process whereby body fat is used as fuel for the body.
You have a very healthy relationship with food without any struggle to choose the best fuel for your body.
No matter how bad people say carbohydrates are, they are one of the most important fuels for our body.
I prepare all meals / snacks a few days in advance so I always have healthy fuel for my body and am not left feeling hungry and tempted to eat unhealthy food.
This is a fast fuel for the body, and it will choose to burn through this before resorting to burning fat cells, which take slightly more effort to break down.
MCT oil is one of the fastest sources of clean fuel for your body and brain.
Sugar is the preferred fuel for your body because it's metabolically easier to use.
This green smoothie is the perfect fuel for your body with banana, orange juice, lemon juice, spinach, and ginger for a bright and tangy zing of flavor.
This recipe provides key polysaccharides within the goji berries that help feed and coordinate the immune system, good fats from the coconut oil to stabilize blood sugar and provide great fuel for the body, protein from the nuts and anti-oxidants in the chocolate and goji's.
Coconut oil is also known for its beneficial medium chain fats and is used frequently by athletes and Paleo enthusiasts as an energizing fuel for the body.
These are characterized by glycosuria (presence of glucose in the urine, which is normally glucose - free), polyuria (excessive production and passage of urine), polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyfagia (excessive appetite), as well as by a number of serious metabolic alterations caused by the inability of body cells to take up and use blood glucose, which is the main fuel for the body in normal conditions.
The fat turns into ketones, which are a nice, high - octane fuel for your body.
Glycogen is the storage form of glucose in animals and humans.Glycogen is synthesized and stored mainly in the liver and the muscles.Stored glycogen is the primary fuel for all body functions including heavy exercise.
Coconut oil contains medium - chain triglycerides (MCT), which are an easy fuel for the body to burn, without turning to fat.
With winter camping, you want to have snacks on hand for providing extra fuel for your body, wince you'll get winded easily.
If you're looking for more protein, try a milk fortified with extra protein, but again, be sure to pair it with a carbohydrate to provide the right fuel for the body to recover.
The aim is for children to see food as a source of nourishing goodness and fuel for their bodies rather than to fufill an emotional requirement.
● Good fats play a number of roles in our health but an important one is slowing blood sugar spikes to help us better regulate energy and mood ● Fat is a longer burning source of fuel for the body so you don't need to think about food as much when healthy fats are the primary source of fuel.
Fats are 90 % keto, which is why they're such an efficient fuel for your body yo use on a daily basis.
The answer is usually sugar because it's used as instant fuel for our body's cells.»
Ketones are used as a source of fuel for the body instead of the energy produced from sugar / carbs.
These healthified treats are wonderful, delicious and still do contain a number of healthy ingredients, but let's shift our thinking to not perceiving it as a treat or a reward and instead think of it as fuel for our bodies by consuming it when we're genuinely hungry or for breakfast, alongside a yummy elixir or cup of tea.
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