Sentences with phrase «fuel for star formation»

«Black - hole - powered jets forge fuel for star formation
The gas was probably stripped from the Small Magellanic Cloud by its larger neighbour's gravity, providing fuel for star formation.
Working at the IRAM Plateau De Bure interferometer in the French Alps, the researchers gathered data in the millimetre band, which allows observation of the emission from the cold gas which is the primary fuel for star formation and main ingredient of galaxies, but is almost invisible at other wavelengths.
※ 2 See the ALMA news «Black - Hole - Powered Jets Forge Fuel for Star Formation» on February 15, 2017 ※ 3 See the ALMA news «Chaotic Turbulence Roiling «Most Luminous Galaxy» in the Universe» on February 18, 2016.
Researchers think these bubbles drag trails of relatively cooler gas (about 1 million degrees), and as the bubbles detach from the jets and drift farther out into the galaxy, the cooler gas trails become even cooler, becoming extremely cold (just slight above absolute zero), and rain back on the black hole as fuel for star formation.
«Reconstructing the cosmic history of star formation: ALMA takes stock of the fuel for star formation in distant galaxies.»
«This is because quasars are energetic enough to eject gas out of the galaxy, and gas is the fuel for star formation, so quasars provide a viable mechanism to explain the transition between a starburst and an extinct elliptical (galaxy).»
Since stars are born when dense clouds of hydrogen molecules collapse, the rate of star formation and the availability of molecular hydrogen, the fuel for star formation, are inextricably linked.
«The VLA showed us where star formation was occurring, and ALMA revealed the cold gas that is the fuel for star formation,» she added.
Carbon monoxide is a tracer of molecular gas, which is the fuel for star formation.
A huge amount of molecular gas (the fuel for star formation) was detected in a monster galaxy dating back 8.8 billion years by the RAINBOW Interferometer at No...
Hugging the outside of these bubbles, ALMA discovered an unexpected trove of cold gas, the fuel for star formation (red).
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