Sentences with phrase «fuel type used»

Note that residential electricity prices vary by the primary fuel type used in electricity production.

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And while Boeing's managing director of environmental strategy, Billy Glover, anticipates an eventual portfolio of various plant types — particularly algaes — that will be used to make high - quality fuels, ramping up production will be a daunting short - term challenge for a biofuelled future.
Using your content as fuel to give users something of value and tying in some kind of social media integration, email marketing can serve as a type of glue to hold your other strategies together.
Those tests included repeatedly filling up the rocket with cryogenically cooled RP - 1, a type of kerosene used in jets, and liquid oxygen to combust the fuel.
Cost and technical barriers to creating and delivering rich media have become virtually non-existent — fueling the growth of compelling, interactive sales content, videos and other types of media, and the ability to track how they're being used.
These types of reward cards usually give more points when you use it for travel expenses such as plane tickets, car rentals, and fuel.
POWERLESS COOKING OVERVIEW Types Of Fuel Cooking Stoves Global Sun Oven All American Sun Oven Fuel Disks InstaFire ReadyFuel Butane Stoves Wonder Box Oven Dutch Oven Cooking Overview Video: Powerless Cooking Event Handout: Powerless Cooking Fuels Handout Handout: Tutorial On How To Make A # 10 Can Stove Handout: Tutorial On How To Make A Cardboard Box Oven Handout: Tutorial On How To Make A Wonderbox Oven 10 Ways To Practice Powerless Cooking This Summer Using Less Energy To Cook In The Summer Making Potato Salad in a Sun Oven How to Make a Pizza Box Solar Oven How to Make a # 10 Can Grill Helius Rocket Stove HERC Tea Light Candle Ovens
Second, reducing the usage of gas - switching [part of] large users such as city heating towards other fuels, and investing in the types of powerplants that can consume a variety of fuels; using gas while it's cheap and available, but being able to burn other fuels if needed.
Type: What sort of fuel does it use?
Precious metals have long been used as conducting materials in batteries and other types of fuel cells but are too expensive to use at a commercial scale in microbial fuel cells.
Whereas a battery or a fuel cell creates electricity using chemical reactions, the most basic type of capacitor employs two narrowly separated conductive plates.
Auto industry experts predict that more than 50 percent of cars on the road by 2020 will use a relatively new type of fuel - efficient engine.
Coupling Reactor Types If advanced fast reactors come into use, they will at first burn spent thermal - reactor fuel that has been recycled using pyroprocessing.
A metal - air battery is a type of fuel cell or battery that uses the oxidation of a metal with oxygen from atmospheric air to produce electricity.
According to city data sources, as of November 2015, only 19 residential buildings were still using this fuel type, including 10 buildings in the Bronx, eight in Lower Manhattan, and 1 in Queens.
«Unlike other fuel cells which transport positively charged [hydrogen, or H +,] ions through a membrane, solid oxide types use a ceramic oxide — through which negatively charged oxygen ions pass,» Stokes explains.
Energy In Depth, the communications and research arm of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, published a lengthy response to the Integrity Project's report and criticized it for including diesel use that occurred prior to a 2014 Environmental Protection Agency rule clarifying the types of chemicals considered «diesel fuels
Platinum is the most common catalyst in the type of fuel cells used in vehicles.
HTL may also be used to make fuel from other types of wet organic feedstock, such as agricultural waste.
Given the total burned fuel, they estimated the amounts of the pollutants, using information about engine types and fuel types.
The Patriot will also be unusual in the type of fuel it uses: the turbine runs on liquefied natural gas (LNG).
This researcher has developed a reactor based on conical spouted beds which, by means of flash or rapid pyrolysis, produces fuels and raw materials using various types of waste.
They found abnormally low levels of the types of amino acid that can be used as a fuel source in the blood of women with CFS.
A leaked draft of the encyclical — a special type of edict used to define key priorities for the Catholic church and its 1.3 billion adherents — emphasises moral responsibilities to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and calls for changes in lifestyle and energy use to avoid the «unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem».
There used to be two types of rocket: powerful but fuel - guzzling, or efficient but weak.
Considerations are being given to the shape of the vehicle, the type of fuel it will use, the location of its engines and the size of its payload.
The change needs to come from people demanding their governments set limits on fuel type and use.
When you're fasting your body uses fat as fuel and preserves muscle.Researchers from the National Institute of Aging theorized in 2003 that intermittent fasting helped trigger the SIRT1 gene, thought to both stimulate cells to release fat for use as an energy source and to deactivate the genes responsible for promoting fat storage.Other research conducted at the University of California at Berkeley indicate that this type of alternate day fasting can protect against diabetes and excessive weight gain.
Contrary to the belief that ketones can be used to fuel the muscles during high intensity workouts, the truth is that the body requires glycogen for this type of activity2.
The first layer that is just beneath your skin was the type of fat considered by nutrition scientists to be the first type to be used as a fuel source if food was not available.
It's your total caloric expenditure that's most important — not the type of fuel source you're using at any given time.»
If the body is getting the proper nutrients and an adequate supply of beneficial fats and proteins, it is used to running on these types of fuel, and when it doesn't receive calories from the diet it will turn to fat cells for energy.
We are designed to use different types of fuel for energy, but some fuels are more efficient than others.
So cancer's primarily — primary fuel if you look at Otto — Otto Warburg or Otto Van Warburg, a German scientist in the 30s and 40s who got 2 Nobel prizes discovering this physiology around cancer cell metabolism and he found that cancer cells primarily survive on glucose and if you can starve the cancer cells of that metabolic fuel — remember it burns dirty — if we can use ketones, we can essentially starve that type of cell.
The main fuel you use for these types of workouts is carbohydrate.
It's more like a type of fuel or building block our body uses, just as our body uses sugars, proteins and fats.
Whilst you do want to draw a lot of motivation by visualizing all of the great weight training benefits you'll reap from all your hard work, the added motivation that typically comes with being the skinny hardgainer type that nobody really believes will actually make it big should NOT be suppressed but instead used as extra fuel to overcome whatever odds you're facing.
The blood type O individuals of these early populations would not fare well in today's world of processed foods, harvested grains and dairy products because that is not what their bodies were designed to use as fuel.
If you're trying to shed pounds, it doesn't matter which type of fuel you use.
If you don't have a physically active job or aren't able to spend lots of time on your feet during the day, this intensity is important for training the body to use fat as a fuel, especially for individuals who compete in events lasting more than two hours.Although it will be difficult to keep your intensity low on these days, if you've decided that you have lots of time on your hands and the type of training you want to do is primarily aerobic (vs. interval based training), then performing your endurance efforts at a higher intensity than Zone 2 will reduce the effectiveness of your harder workouts on subsequent days by fatiguing muscle and depleting carbohydrate stores in fast - twitch muscle.
I left off in part 1 emphasizing that the energy shortage in the brain is specific to glucose, and proposing that it would be possible to nourish these starving cells if there were some type of alternative fuel they could use.
Ketones are a type of compound your brain can then use for fuel.
Most cell types can use either fats or glucose (a simple sugar derived from carbohydrates) as a fuel source to satisfy their energy needs.
Unless you have Type 1 diabetes, every time you eat, your body will produce insulin which essentially tells your body to use your food as fuel and stop burning body fat.
Intermittent fasting forces the body, which normally uses glucose for fuel, to convert certain types of fat into fatty acids that can be absorbed by the blood.
Simply put, these long slow runs offer MANY of the benefits of high intensity work (improvements to the circulatory system, improved lung capacity, increased ability to use lipids as fuel, and most importantly RUNNING FORM ECONOMY) without being nearly as stressful to the nervous system or muscles (particularly the type II fibers).
However, as demonstrated in the «after» photos on the right - hand side, once they receive insulin treatment, people with type 1 are able to use the energy from the food they eat, and no longer consume their muscles for fuel.
Using the right type and good quality fuel can help with some of this.
Fuel costs are calculated using the U.S. Government Environmental Protection Agency's estimated mileage figures (when available) for both highway and city driving, then adjustments are made based on the estimated percentage of mileage for these two types of driving.
The VEA can be used to produce vastly different types of engines, theoretically ranging from torquey engines fit for sportier cars, to fuel - sippers ideal for city cars.
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