Sentences with phrase «fueled by low interest rates»

However, there are fears the boom, fueled by low interest rates, is going to end badly, says a Wall Street Journal article.
This bull market had been fueled by low interest rates, hostile takeovers, leveraged buyouts and merger mania.
The relatively quick upturn, fueled by low interest rates, has left the industry struggling with a greying labor pool and huge demand.
The first major correction, however, will likely happen in a housing market fuelled by low interest rates.
WASHINGTON (February 11, 2015)-- The majority of metropolitan areas experienced steady but slightly stronger price growth in the fourth quarter of 2014, behind a decline in housing supply and an uptick in demand fueled by lower interest rates and a stronger job market, according to the latest quarterly report by the National Association of Realtors ®.

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And that may be the crux: a decade of low interest rates has fuelled habitual credit reliance by consumers.
Who knows how much longer this bull market, fueled by $ 4 trillion from the Fed and low interest rates, can continue.
Low interest rates helped fuel the real estate and stock market bubble by making the debt side of the balance sheet less expensive, creating a «wealth effect» as people came to believe that rising property and stock - market prices would be able to pay off their obligations.
Plenty of writers have claimed that the Fed fueled the sub-prime boom by holding interest rates too low for too long after the dot - com crash.
On balance, it seems likely we're in a speculative bubble, fuelled by the record low interest rates of recent years and the arrival of Buy To Let investors scared of the stock market.
Don't compound them with bailout for mortgage «victims» The housing bubble that was fueled by multidecade low interest rates priced many people out of their dream homes.
And that may be the crux: a decade of low interest rates has fuelled habitual credit reliance by consumers.
The stock market has also been fuelled in recent years by the flood in cheap money made available by central banks, which helped keep interest rates low.
Fueled by record - low interest rates and housing inventories, home prices in the United States hit another all - time high in 2017.
«Tight inventory fueled by a tight labor market and low interest rates propelled home values to record heights in 2017, but the outlook is now much less certain,» Terrazas says.
Interest rates remain low but home prices, fueled by tight inventories, continue to rise, squeezing first - time buyers.
At that time, the market was ignited by low - interest rates and easy credit which was fueled by investors throughout the country especially buyers from Califonia.
Driving forces behind the continuing strong home price appreciation are low interest rates, scarce buildable land, and strong demand fueled by immigration, he said.
Orlando's housing market is riding its traditional summertime wave of home sales — fueled in part by both low interest rates and more inventory — and posted positive numbers for the month of May.
Today, asset prices are not being fueled by aggressive leverage as much as they are by the low cost of capital due to low interest rates.
Low interest rates engineered by the Federal Reserve to stimulate economic growth have helped fuel a recovery in U.S real estate that has lifted prices on top - tier properties in big cities 17 percent above peaks reached in November 2007, according to an index from Moody's Investors Service and Real Capital.
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