Sentences with phrase «fulfill specific purposes»

What the software builds are apps that fulfill specific purposes.
The Buddha provided teachings, wisdom, a path to enlightenment, not to provide or fulfill a any specific purpose.
New breeds must have predictable characteristics and fulfill a specific purpose, in addition to having a certain number of dogs across a set number of states.
The working background makes this dog an ideal candidate for service dogs because they have been bred to fulfill a specific purpose.
The usefulness requirement demands that an invention have an intended purpose and that it actually works to fulfill that specific purpose.
But here's the thing: if you announce a phone with specs and capabilities from the distant future and then actually release it in the distant future, then you're not fulfilling a specific purpose or need, and not innovating on time.

Not exact matches

Amazon's privacy policy states that it shares customers» personal information with third - party service providers to perform specific functions such as fulfilling orders, delivering packages, processing credit card payments and providing customer service, and that those providers may not use the data for other purposes.
He was born for this specific purpose or else Jesus would have never been betrayed and prophecy would not be fulfilled.
Once again there was a specific purpose; that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
Psuedogenes are remnants of genes that once served a purpose in our genome that they no longer fulfil, because of mutations that have rendered the genes nonfunctional, i.e., they no longer lead to the production of proteins (long chains of amino acids) that once contributed to specific characteristics in ancient ancestors.
But all of us have a definite and specific purpose from God that God wants us to fulfill.
Matthew will go on to address, in subsequent chapters, the question of whether same - sex marriage can fulfill the meaning and purpose of Christian marriage, but his point in this chapter is rather straightforward: Throughout the New Testament and church history, celibacy is set apart as a special calling and never mandated for a specific group of people.
Glutathione is reduced by these toxic free radicals, neutralizing them, and then this glutathione is normally recycled and becomes oxidized by a specific enzyme, so that it can then fulfill it's purpose once again.
Not only were you artfully created, but when you were formed you were also given specific desires, talents, abilities, gifts, and passions to help you fulfill God's purpose for your life.
But planning a full trip for the specific purpose of attending a publishing event is an investment that only pays off in terms of forging long - term connections in the industry, not in terms of fulfilling immediate agenting or publishing goals.
These cards fill very specific purposes, which should fulfill the needs of most consumers.
If you are interested in making a gift for a specific purpose, please give us a call so that we can ensure that your intention can be fulfilled by the Parks Conservancy.
The defendant also sought to argue that for the purposes of fulfilling subs 2 (2)(c) what was required was specific knowledge on the part of the keeper of the allegedly dangerous propensity of the specific animal.
Moreover, you might also need to read some specific newspapers, magazines as well as books to fulfill the purpose of your job.
On the flip side, I've found its true that many recruiters attend most job fairs, especially general / non-industry specific ones, for marketing purposes or to fulfill a diversity recruitment or government requirement.
Anything that is vague does not fit the title description of an objective, therefore to be impactful and fulfill its purpose; a resume objective has to be very clear and specific.
The purpose of a subject clause (also known as a condition precedent) contained in an offer to purchase is to set out a specific condition which must be fulfilled before the sale can go through, although the contract is legally binding once it is signed by both parties.
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