Sentences with phrase «fulfillment of many»

They may add details, but they are deeply convinced that what was going on in Jesus Christ was in fact a fulfillment of Old Testament hopes.
«I thirst» is a fulfillment of Psalm 69:21.
Note that Matthew, in his zeal to work out a literal fulfillment of the prophecy, misreads the Old Testament prophecy, and has Jesus in the awkward situation of riding on two animals at once.
But we should probably conceive this time of retirement in part also as giving Jesus himself an opportunity of seeing more clearly how he was now to proceed in fulfillment of his vocation.
The Christian faith meets death with the affirmation that God overcomes this threat to the fulfillment of his purpose by a new action in which he brings all life to judgment and fulfillment in his Kingdom.
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to a discussion of the reason for the necessity of this love for the fulfillment of spiritual existence.
Such a statement is certainly in need of clarification because it could suggest that the Catholic Church is now lacking something essential to the proper fulfillment of her mission.
In different ways, Jesus and Paul are heralding the inbreaking of God's rule on earth, the fulfillment of all our hopes and prayers when we pray — alas, sometimes mindlessly — that God's kingdom come on earth and God's will be done on earth (in Washington, D.C., Afghanistan and Iraq, in affluent suburbs and in blighted inner cities).
The doctrine of Jesus» «deity,» however it may be explained by sophisticated theologians, necessarily affronts Jews and appears as a repudiation rather than a fulfillment of their understanding of God.
Science is thus the highest fulfillment of what makes us human.
All of this in an historical succession in which the past of the tradition still lives in the present of contemporary human existence, with an aim toward fulfillment of the dominant and dominating purpose which in the earliest witness was declared as having been enacted in the originating event of Jesus Christ himself.
One might say that Strauss believes that Hegel is not simply wrong when he presents the culmination of rational universalism as the fulfillment of Christian revelation.
Jewish persecution of the Christians had begun alongside the Roman, and everything pointed to the need to see the new covenant as a fulfillment of the old, to stress the new righteousness as not less but more demanding than the old.
Perhaps the clarification Neuhaus needs is provided by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in its declaration, Dominus Iesus (2000): «The lack of unity among Christians is certainly a wound for the Church; not in the sense that she is deprived of her unity, but «in that it hinders the complete fulfillment of her universality in history.
Nor can the Christian recognize in extinction of his self - transcending selfhood the fulfillment of his existence.
The details of the crucifixion are more carefully related to fulfillment of scripture here than in the synoptics, and the symbolic meaning of these details is brought to the fore.
These bald summaries, in which we recognize already the outlines of the narratives in the Gospels, could no doubt be filled in with detail according to the speaker's ability and the demands of the occasion; but it was essential to the Proclamation that the plain facts of the case should be communicated, because it was these that constituted the fulfillment of God's purpose in history.
Christ, the jew, is the fulfillment of the Israelite Prophets, going back aother 2 - 4 thousand years.
When human relationships in a family, a church, or a community are of such a quality as to satisfy the heart - hungers of persons, they grow toward the fulfillment of their potentialities.
this is not in any way a criticism of your study but rather a exhortation to conclude any study back to it's origin and that is that Christ came, he was crucified and that he rose from the dead in fulfillment of prophecy.
Even more so is the further question of our having done or not done what was in us to do towards the fulfillment of the divine intention in the creation.
Yeshua's death, resurrection, and ascension constitute a heavenly fulfillment of the worship undertaken by Israel's Levitical priests in Israel's earthly sanctuary on Israel's Day of Atonement (Hebrews 9:1 — 14).
The claims of any other so called messiah are false and have been proven to be so over the past 2000 years as it was the Gospel of Jesus Christ that has spread to end parts of the earth which is also a fulfillment of scripture.
Thin young women covered in little else than underwear and satin promote the experience as the fulfillment of their greatest career dreams.
The scribes might counsel a humble waiting for God's appointed time, but for the «man in the street» that meant no more than postponing for a while the fulfillment of the same national ambitions, and the satisfying of the same national grudges, which the Zealots proposed to settle out of hand by «direct action».
While frequently claiming that the soul is naturally Christian, or dogmatically if uncritically insisting that Christianity is the fulfillment of the world's religions, Christian theology has nevertheless condemned «idolatry» and opposed all paganism (i.e., non-Biblical religion).
The Gospels are full of references to the fulfillment of prophecy by Jesus.
Therefore while the criticism of modernity with respect to its idea of history is valid, the answer has to emphasize the fulfillment of the meaning of history in suffering service, solidarity with the poor and forgiving love.
For Buber the concern for the other as an end in himself grows out of one's direct relation to this other and to that higher end which he serves through the fulfillment of his created uniqueness.
The future is not the end of time but the fullness of time, not the transcending of the world and mankind but fulfillment through the world and through mankind — it is a fulfillment of the unconditioned will of God in the conditioned lives of men.
But the command inherent in a genuine norm never becomes a maxim and the fulfillment of it never a habit.
As long as the fulfillment of desire is the criterion of human good, mankind follows a path of certain futility, for each craving supplied leads only to a new and larger demand.
This uniqueness is not given to man for mere existence but for the fulfillment of a purpose that only he can fulfill.
The First Good, when it is understood as fulfillment of a natural potential, seems adequately suggested in the word «self» — hence my own preference for «self - perfection» as the nontheological version of this human fulfillment.
The function of the state as the most general institution of human society is to order properly our mutual fulfillment of the needs of self and others.
They were greatly dedicated to these cause and went to the ends of the earth in the fulfillment of this mission.
For the actuality of the faith of Biblical and post-Biblical Judaism and also for the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount, fulfillment of the Torah means to extend the hearing of the Word to the whole dimension of human existence.
The dynamic glory of the being of man is first bodily present in the relation between two men each of whom in meaning the other also means the highest to which this person is called and serves the fulfillment of this created destiny without wishing to impose anything of his own realization on the other.
According to Theodore, salvation of the human being is not to be described as divinization but rather as the fulfillment of the community of human being and God, which belongs to the human being by virtue of his or her creation.
Its fulfillment of this function is the final proof of the biological nature and value of education, extending to the things of the spirit.
(Colossians 2: 1,12; Galatians 3:28) For Paul, the union of those irreconcilables — Jew and Gentile — in the one body was a sure pledge of the ultimate unity of all mankind in the fulfillment of God's eternal purpose.
Israel's present relatively ordered existence is the creation of God out of former disorder and is to be understood and accepted as his creative gift in fulfillment of his free promise to the patriarchs.
They integrate the individual's biography by providing an overarching frame of reference that applies to all of life, that locates the individual ultimately in space and time, that specifies an ultimate purpose for the individual's life and thus permits daily activities to be organized around the fulfillment of this purpose.
The «theopolitical» realism of the prophets led them to reject any merely symbolic fulfillment of the divine commission, to fight the division of community life into a «religious» realm of myth and cult and a «political» realm of civic and economic laws.
Genuine conversation, like every genuine fulfillment of relation between men, means acceptance of otherness.
Peace on earth might be a religious value for some Muslims, but it will become simply a rule or ethic without being understood as a condition of the fulfillment of their being.
But this fulfillment of their nature is thwarted by the man who has come to terms with the world of It.
In the story of Abraham, Israel recognized that the fulfillment of hope lies far beyond the limits of any one man's mortal life.
«What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and the reproduction of our race... so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe...» Mein Kampf
He IS THE Messiah and fulfillment of the law.
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