Sentences with phrase «full acceptance of»

Looking at someone with the unconditional positive regard is showing full acceptance of another person no matter what they've done or said.
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Believe in loving and supporting children unconditionally thus showing full acceptance of their person regardless of their behavior.
As it is with all APK downloads outside of Google Play, this app is not to be downloaded without full acceptance of the risks involved.
The Declaration of the 1990 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe defines the rule of law as «justice based upon the recognition and full acceptance of the supreme value of the human personality and guaranteed by institutions providing a framework for its fullest expression.»
Of course, society still has a long way to go before there is full acceptance of someone who is HIV positive, and «having the talk» can be stressful.
Authenticity means that you don't just show the person the best parts of you, but you show them who you are, flaws and all (and show full acceptance of yourself).
Alternately, openness may lead to the full acceptance of some vital and persuasive movement or vision, an acceptance that en - grafts one into a new history but ends the openness to which he was first committed.
It embraced a full acceptance of spiritual reality, with a developed angelology, and an uncompromisingly strict set of traditions for observing the Law.
However, in the thinking and feeling of a large proportion of these, an underlying moralism still blocks full acceptance of the sickness conception.
The issue of full acceptance of homosexuals tore the old - line Protestant churches in North America apart.
What about the full acceptance of gay Christians in the ongoing life of congregations?
It means full acceptance of him and his way, and complete openness to all men and concern for them.
These more muscular critics of religion were at least smart enough to realize that a full acceptance of the death of God would require an asceticism completely missing in the new atheistic formulas.
He received plenty of media attention in June last year when he released a brief statement which called for «the full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the Church».
But in the teaching of Jesus the contemporaneity of the action envisages a response by man to God that is at the same time a full acceptance of the human responsibility in face of the divine mercy.
It isn't right to expect full acceptance of diverse opinion from people who are simultaneously being denied the rights to full membership in that diverse community or even having their humanness or faith denied.
Love of God and neighbour must be realised in the full acceptance of religious freedom.»
What is it about Canadians that has allowed you all to move so gracefully into full acceptance of LGBT folk?
It is after doing what is commanded, when everything has been done in the sphere of human decisions and means, when in terms of the relation to God every effort has been made to know the will of God and to obey it, when in the arena of life there has been full acceptance of all responsibilities and interpretations and commitments and conflicts, it is then and only then that the judgment takes on meaning: all this (that we had to do) is useless; all this we cast from us to put it in thy hands, O Lord; all this belongs no more to the human order but to the order of thy kingdom.
«The one thing that matters» is «full acceptance of the present.»
Now we find it difficult to accept the mythology of Edwards, though we may need to accept again something like it, when we come to the full acceptance of the realization that as we did not and can not elect ourselves into existence, so neither can we elect ourselves out of it, if the inscrutable power that cast us into being wills to keep us in being after our biological death.
Only on the basis of a full acceptance of the reality of that emptiness was he able to create an existential conception of faith as subjectivity, and thus it was only when he came to realize the death of historical or objective Christianity that Kierkegaard fulfilled his own conception of faith.
But where the study, for instance, only hinted at normalization, the draft forges ahead with a strong bias toward full acceptance of gay unions, explicitly ruling out the traditional opposition of the church toward homoerotic behavior.
Full acceptance of things as fact with nothing more that the say - so of some book or person.
While the bill has yet to achieve final passage and be signed into law, if it is successful it would mark the first step towards full acceptance of Bitcoin as a digital currency.

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The full acceptance and adoption of VR and AR in the workplace may be a few years off, but we get closer and closer every day to creating an amazing technology that will help better connect and inspire us, and will improve the overall way in which we conduct business.
On April 2, World Autism Awareness Day, join in the effort to support those with autism by wearing or displaying a puzzle piece, symbolizing that through awareness, acceptance and inclusion, each person living with ASD can reach their full potential and enjoy a better quality of life.
«But on the other hand, I worry about LGBT people... because the church teaches you that you can not reach your full potential and have full acceptance in the church unless you marry someone of the opposite sex.»
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners — of whom I am the worst.
I have full confidence that the Catholic church will get to the point of gay acceptance one of these days.
The tweet link in the article body is also fdirectly contradicted by 1 Timothy 1:15 «This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: «Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners» — and I am the worst of them!»
You also speak as though you are certain no gay people are present and that «we evengelical Christians» are talking amonst ourself about what an entire group of people deserve in terms of full inclusion and acceptance in society and the church.
If equality of the sexes is the goal, then acceptance of females as full participants in war does follow.
What God requires above all else for salvation is our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our repentance for sin, our moral obedience to his call, and our willingness to try to love God and our neighbor with the full dedication of our lives.
As John Cleese sings to a house full of children about Catholicism's unconditional acceptance, modern viewers are encouraged to guffaw.
The very realisation of themselves as Dalit, the very acceptance of the state of «dalitness,» is the first step on the way towards their transformation into full and liberated human beings.1
As a Christian, I believe in complete and full toleration and acceptance of those who wish to believe otherwise.
Also, if the acceptance of the finality of Jesus is dissociated from the acceptance of particular dogmas about him, the obstacles to a full appropriation of Jesus and of spiritual existence would be still further diminished.
He does quote, evidently with approval, Avery Cardinal Dulles» explanation: «Full communion, as I understand it, will require the acceptance by both Catholics and Orthodox of all the dogmas that are held by the other community to be matters of faith.»
They analyze with great sensitivity the different modes of existence that are chosen, especially in man's innumerable attempts to evade a full and responsible acceptance of his situation.
These include an experience of being connected to all of reality, a full sense of acceptance of what is and is coming to one, a strong feeling of being influenced by all that is.
Found the building full of political, judgemental harshness, rather than teaching live, acceptance, and hope for our journeys.
Indeed, insofar as that tradition «itself is in full process of evolution» (PAG 66), one might further surmise that someday the thought of Hegel and Whitehead will be seen as preparatory to a more comprehensive processive world view which will enjoy the same unquestioned acceptance as systems of classical metaphysics in generations past.
In true marital intercourse, something real has been exchanged, with a full gift and acceptance of conjugal masculinity and femininity.
It is in the New Testament that we learn the full power and spaciousness of «acceptance» in relation to the meaning of the atonement.
But she might still be left with a minor, less psychologically disorienting barrier to her acceptance into the full range of human rituals — the fact that she dropped in from another planet.
Second, I predict that the acceptance speeches will be full of the kind of deep political and philosophical analysis which has become de rigueur for those with credentials: the ability to memorize a few lines and pretend to be someone else in front of a camera.
The reality of past events is partially preserved as newly synthesized elements in later events but fully and infallibly in the never - failing memory of God.51 Hartshorne explains further that a denial of the full reality of the past would entail the conclusion that no true statements could be made about the determinate character of past events («Lincoln was assassinated»), whereas acceptance of his doctrine of the nonactuality of the future entails the falsity of all statements that ascribe completely determinate character to future events.52 «Maybe» is the only correct mode of reference to the future.
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