Sentences with phrase «full ecosystem»

«Apple's tablets remain strong in the higher end of the market and, Apple's approach will continue to force vendors to compete with full ecosystem offerings, even in the smaller - screen market as the iPad mini sees a greater share», writes Cozza.
Trail explorations, hands — on activities, games, crafts, and more provide full ecosystem immersion for an enhanced learning experience, while small group sizes ensure a welcoming, supportive environment.
Trail explorations, hands — on activities, games, crafts, and more provide full ecosystem immersion.
«Apple's tablets remain strong in the higher end of the market and, Apple's approach will continue to force vendors to compete with full ecosystem offerings, even in the smaller - screen market as the iPad mini sees a greater share», added Ms. Cozza.
Full ecosystems SOW, lessons and worksheets.
This is especially true at a company like Atlassian, where the experience needs to feel familiar across a full ecosystem of multiple products, rather than just one.
Home fitness warriors are creating an entirely new market that has yet to form a full ecosystem of products and providers.
This will involve an entire commodity trade and the full ecosystem, including the producer, broker, underwriter, shipping agent and traders, will be taking part.
The full ecosystem site Sodankylä is located in central Lapland close to the Arctic Research Centre of FMI.
From the moment I set foot on the first continent of Primordia, I ran into a mix of enemies representing the full ecosystem I'd expect from a real - world setting.
He admits to being frustrated at the lack of Android tablet sales in the past, but says Google now has a full ecosystem in place that will allow users to consume media on one of the company's tablets.
School tours are conducted by our highly experienced educator and biologist to provide age appropriate marine education from a full ecosystem perspective.
The developers also notes that the game exists in a persistent universe that will integrate easily into a full ecosystem for e-Sport.
They all need to finish building out their go - to - market strategy, their vertical market solutions, and their full ecosystem that can align with customers on a global and vertical industry basis,» he said.
But in 2015, you can not discount the importance of the full ecosystem and what you are buying into when you commit.
Box is designed as part of a full ecosystem of Bitdefender products including its Total Security software (a one - year subscription is included).
The full ecosystem of Paycent and Paycent Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) allows payments for daily household spend such as utilities, cable, and Telco airtime.
This underscores the company's strong focus on Bixby and the overall vision it has for the use of its AI in a full ecosystem of products.
LG G5 is the ultimate evolution of a premium smartphone, combining a revolutionary design with a full ecosystem of companion devices and world - renowned camera features.
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