Sentences with phrase «full equality before»

Why do some churches still refuse to ordain women or grant women full equality before God?
In no society that I know is full equality before the law established in practice, and I do not say that it can be realized perfectly and overnight anywhere.

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The result is a society without full formal equality of individuals before secular law, but with strong community institutions, a robust economy and interlocking patronage structures.
But long before that, and long before blacks would achieve full equality in America, this dedicated champion of civil rights had the comfort of believing that day would arrive» and have his faith affirmed in it by the Vicar of Christ.
We've seen this before in the world, it was just called something different when the people deemed to lack the intelligence or ability to have full equality and autonomy over their own lives happened to have black skin instead of disabilities.
With an «equality rally» outside City Hall before the full Council held a meeting at which some of the bills were introduced, legislators, advocates, and service providers expressed support for the legislation and argued for its necessity in light of Donald Trump's election as President.
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