Sentences with phrase «full grade level»

It found that the bottom 10 percent had gained far more than the national average since 2000 in math and reading, more than a full grade level in math.
Using the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) as our measure, we found some states had raised the achievement of economically disadvantaged students the equivalent of a full grade level or more in just eight years, 2003 - 2008 — this at grades four and eight and in reading and math.
Applying that here, scores for most groups of students have improved by roughly a full grade level over the last 15 years or so.
The Coleman team reported that sophomores and seniors at Catholic schools outperformed their public - school peers by roughly a full grade level after adjusting for differences in an extensive set of family background measures.
In contrast, between 1999 and 2008, it rose by approximately 0.35 standard deviations, equivalent to more than a full grade level.
For example, while the 25th percentile math score for black 13 - year - olds was unchanged between 1986 and 1999, it rose between 1999 and 2008 by the equivalent of more than a full grade level.
In a Mathematica Policy Research study of schools run by KIPP, one of the country's best - known charter operators, researchers found that on average, students who had been enrolled in KIPP middle schools for three years had test scores that indicated they were about 11 months — or the equivalent of more than a full grade level — ahead of the national average in math.
Sadly, by the time they reach fifth grade, low - income students often find themselves a full grade level behind in literacy.
For example, one recent study (Attendance Works, 2014) found that missing three days of school in the month before taking the National Assessment of Educational Progress translated into fourth graders scoring a full grade level lower in reading on this test.
A full grade level contains ten months of skills development (i.e., based on an average school year of learning from September — June).
Of course part of that is natural expansion toward their full grade level intention.
Grade 4 test data, absentee students scored an average 12 points lower on the reading assessment than those with no absences — more than a full grade level on the NAEP achievement scale.
During third grade Mason made a remarkable two full grade levels of growth in reading with the help of his parents and his teacher, Gabby Hoehn - Saric.
In fact, he said, «If you go by the guidelines set forth by the Wide Range Achievement Test, the increase in reading comprehension following exercise equated to approximately a full grade level.
Vertus students jumped two full grade levels (from fifth to seventh grade) in both math and reading as measured by the NWEA tests taken by millions of students across the country in the school's first year.
By second grade he was diagnosed with Adhd and failing a weekly reading test that was 11 pages long and written a full grade level above his current grade.
«Track record of success» Re-phrase as: «Increased student reading and math levels by a full grade level for 91 % of students».
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