Sentences with phrase «full grown man»

Adam was not created as a baby but a full grown man — probably looked 30 years old.
She said «as a mother, I am still numb with shock to hear that a full grown man could defile an eight year old girl and also go ahead to mutilate her body for purported money rituals.»
Vancouver, Canada About Youtuber Actual conversations with my 2 - year - old daughter, as re-enacted by me and another full grown man.
A full grown man gets insulted at the dinner table and makes a scrunched up face like he's going to cry and that's suppose to be funny?
i think its more pathetic when a full grown man pics up a fighting game filled with big breasted woman or the common war fighting game.
We watch as a tender - hearted boy becomes a full grown man — and we get to revel in... Read more
Full grown men can sit back there, and have plenty of leg room, and not compromise the leg room for the front seat occupant.
Unless trained to be gentle, an unexpected tango can easily topple an full grown man!
It has been known that a Bullmastiff can easily take down a full grown man.
It's the kind of angry rant I can expect from a mad 12 - year - old on my team, but not a full grown man.
How does such a cute game terrify a full grown man, well these time management and positioning games don't really suit my laid back style.
Vancouver, Canada About Youtuber Actual conversations with my 2 - year - old daughter, as re-enacted by me and another full grown man.
Vancouver, Canada About Youtuber Actual conversations with my 2 - year - old daughter, as re-enacted by me and another full grown man.
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