Sentences with phrase «full human situation»

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Yet somehow, despite policy failures that are made obvious by the lowest interest rates ever recorded in human history, a persistent narrative still dominates financial markets: all - knowing, omnipotent central bankers are still in full control of the situation and will do «whatever it takes» to maintain order.
Actually the rational scientific analyses of the situation will not only be partial but also be distorted, because the human reason seeking to observe the situation is not unconditioned enough to see the full objective truth of the situation.
It speaks of the «human situation,» and man's attempt «to realize the full potential of his humanity and his tendency to distort that humanity.»
Jesus in his life and his death paid in full the cost which was necessary to set right the human situation.
The primitive conceptions of clean and unclean lie at the bottom of these rules; there are certain things and certain events in natural human life (like birth and death) which bring man under the influence of mysterious dæmonic forces; there are actions and situations in life which are full of these dangerous powers or are threatened by them.
Some pro-lifers thought that even this policy fell short of full respect for human life, but Bush was attempting to make the best of a bad situation: for embryos that had already been destroyed, funds would be made available for research that tried to salvage some value out of their destruction.
Memo started working full time helping migrants, homeless children, and anyone who needs help in the year of 2003, but his concern for other humans comes from the education he received from his parents when he was a child, from something more that comes from his spirituality and beliefs, according to his own words; and his particular interest in migrants comes from witnessing their extreme situation.
Solidarity is an ideal; it connects one human to another, in full recognition of the other's humanity and in full empathy for that person's situation with a desire to join the other in their struggle.
They can get a full read on a situation without any of the clues we need as humans.
It is recognised and accepted that infrasound is dangerous to human health in other situations it is only a matter of time before full disclosure of the extent of the effects on human health of Industrial Wind Turbines is accepted by medical authorities.
The resolution called for one panel discussion on identifying challenges and ways forward towards the realization of all human rights for all, including the right to development, in particular those in vulnerable situations, as well as the measures and best practices to promote and protect human rights that can be adopted by States in addressing the adverse effects of climate change on the full and effective enjoyment of human rights, and another panel discussion on how climate change has had an adverse impact on States» efforts to progressively realize the right to food, and policies, lessons learned and good practices.
The negative forcings which have been masking the full impact of human influence will also disappear in this hypothetical situation but isn't it then just a little silly to ignore the tropospheric ozone and its 0.43 W ^ m - 2 contribution to positive forcings?
[17] Whilst there is widespread agreement and concern about the state of Indigenous disadvantage measured against a range of economic and social indicators, there is less recognition that this situation reflects a profound failure to afford Indigenous Australians their full range of human rights.
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