Sentences with phrase «full of irrelevant information»

Employers don't have time to read a resume full of irrelevant information and will pass on your application if you don't make the appropriate edits.
The result was a user's wall full of irrelevant information and updates from a network of people who the user didn't really interact with.

Not exact matches

JW: They are important, particularly when you take the next step and eliminate sort of the irrelevant information from the snippet, say a full case citation because there is only so much space, real estate on the screen, when you present that.
Otherwise, instead of a foot of material, they will be faced with a room full of information, most of it irrelevant, out of date, or just plain incorrect.
The page itself consists of a form that must be filled out by the individual where he or she must supply the following information: (1) name used to search, (2) full name of requester, (3) contact e-mail address, (4) URLs for results they want removed, (5) an explanation of why those results are irrelevant, out - dated, or otherwise objectionable, and (6) a legible copy of a document that verifies the individual's identity so as to allow Google to ensure the authenticity of his or her request.
Make sure you double check what you're presenting to recruiters to ensure that the information you're sharing isn't: potentially misconstrued; irrelevant; potentially make them question your abilities or professionalism; full of useless facts that wastes their time; or so over-the-top or out there that they lose the message and can't see how you would be a good candidate.
They are either so brief and vague as to be useless, or too long and jam packed full of information that is irrelevant that the recipient won't read.
Many candidates believe that the longer is their resume (with full of irrelevant and junk information), the better their chances of interview and employment are.
If your resume is focused, properly highlights your strengths for the position and does not waste space and time on irrelevant and potentially distracting information about yourself, you will be sure to gain the full long look of a hiring manager when your resume comes across his or her desk.
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