Sentences with phrase «full of paperback books»

While moving in, she negligently sets a cardboard box full of paperback books on top of the electric stove.

Not exact matches

This award - winning book, recently released in paperback, is full of the small details that make setting and characters come to life: Minty's doll with one foot and cracked buttons for eyes, her mother's soothing ministrations after the whipping.
At 45 I also started out with cabinets and cabinets full of books (hardcover and paperback) that I loved to covet and display but a few years ago jumped into the Kindle.
I took it on trips and loved the convenience of being able to carry eight full - length books with me in a device with the same size and weight as one trade paperback.
El Paso Norte Press, Special Edition Books, and Traveling Press are part of the Digital Pulse Publishing Group, with an international catalog of full size paperback, hardcover and ebook titles.
For example, you can use liquid layout behaviors to make the objects on a portrait - oriented digital magazine design adapt automatically to a portrait - oriented variation of the same design, and you can also employ them to take a hardcover book layout and, with almost full automation, adapt the content to fit within the new dimensions of a paperback version layout and within the EPUB layout of a third document.
So in order to get an attractively priced, copy - edited book, available to bookstores for a standard 40 % discount, with full returnability with the copyright registered, an ISBN provided... and all the physical elements of a standard paperback book — cover copy, cover art, etc, it will cost you $ 4539 at HHorizons.
I also like the larger screen... feels like I'm reading a full size book now instead of a mass market paperback.
Our self publishing company offers a wide selection of book sizes, binding choices and paper stock; full color or black and white; hardcover or paperback.
It was the Ed Reader and came with a free trial, which involved a guy named Ed with a backpack full of your choice of used 10 cent paperback books.
In all honestly, I generally only read paperback books, even if it means hauling them everywhere with me and breaking bags because they are full of books.
This is again due to the collapse of the wholesale market in the 1990's which was almost all mass market paperback, the need then to raise prices on mmps as they moved more heavily into the bookstores, and the costs involved with mmp re the returns system (mmp are «returned» for full refund by ripping off their front covers, returning those to the publishers and the rest of the books are pulped because that's cheaper than shipping those units back, which has been a real mess.)
If you'd like, I can send you a full digital or paperback version of the book, whichever you prefer.
This isn't just a tiny paperback thrown into the game as the pictures show, it's a full blown spell book with leather binding, a huge amount of pages and ornate writing.
Visit the Energy Justice Report resource page to learn more and to download the full report, a one - sheet summary, an infographic, a slideshow, and order the paperback book copy of the report.
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