Sentences with phrase «full standing position»

The squat component is just like the lap squat, only now there is a double front hand switch at the top in full standing position.
Stand Switch to Squat Steel Mace Exercise Description The squat component is just like the lap squat, only now there is a double front hand switch at the top in full standing position.
Keeping your heels flat on the floor, pause at the bottom of the squat and return to a full standing position.
Swing the club a few degrees to the right to generate a stretch reflex and then rotate your shoulders to your left and swing the club up to shoulder level as you come up to a full standing position.
Once you're at a full standing position, the bar will be at mid-thigh height.
Squeeze the non-working leg against the squatting leg, pushing your heel into the ground and returning to a full standing position.
Grab the bag and come to a full standing position.
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