Sentences with phrase «full supply of milk»

Encouraging a full supply of milk is not always possible, but when there are two parents nursing, two full supplies are not necessary.
How does your body's ability to produce a full supply of milk change with age?
Really, anyone with nipples can breastfeed, whether or not her breasts produce a full supply of milk.
We know that some babies have trouble extracting milk from breasts, and we know that some moms are born with physical differences that make it very hard to produce a full supply of milk.
The first 3 weeks after your baby is born your body is laying the groundwork for lactation, if you don't demand enough milk for your baby during this critical time period you may not be able to make a full supply of milk, so again, get help early!
You probably won't be able to coax a full supply of milk from your breasts, so you'll need to supplement.
In rare cases, mothers may not have enough milk - making tissue in their breasts to be able to make a full supply of milk for their baby.
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