Sentences with phrase «full testimony»

Also, check out NY1's coverage of the Queens hearing yesterday and read Comptroller Thompson's full testimony at the Staten Island hearing.
John Christy's full testimony document is available here (PDF).
Read his full testimony.
I have more details in my full testimony that I'd like to have submitted for the record.
They believe that if you get «saved» you are obligated to come down front and declare it to the congregation and give your full testimony, warts and all.
The full testimony of Scripture must be heard.
You can read his full testimony here.
You can download his full testimony, «Opportunities to simplify and modernize federal student aid,» here.
Here is his full testimony:
Read the full testimony below:
I highlighted the four main points below in my remarks, and you can read the full testimony here.
Visit the Maryland's Grid Transformation resource page to learn more and to download the full testimony.
Read Joseph Romm's full testimony to the House Select Committee on Energy Indepdence and Global Warming (CAPAF)
Read the full testimony.
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