Sentences with phrase «full utility scale»

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A full - scale utility - bill audit requires the services of an expert, and you can hire consultants in either contingency or fixed - fee arrangements.
Social democracy, by contrast, was democratic western Europe's postwar response to communism, with public ownership of the utilities and sectors of manufacturing, the establishment of welfare states, the sustaining of full employment by state economic management and redistributive taxation on an unprecedented scale.
Expand demonstration project to full - scale utility plant.
But the utility shut down the carbon capture equipment in 2011 because it could not sell the carbon dioxide or recover the extra cost from its electricity customers, and the equipment consumed so much energy that, at full scale, the project would have sharply cut electricity production.
«The first stage of progress in eDiscovery was about building out the full utility and power that's needed for large scale document discovery and review - to - produce workflows,» Jeremiah Kelman, co-founder and president of Everchron, told me.
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