Sentences with phrase «fully digest her food»

In fact, without enough of the good guys to fully digest your food, that healthy salad you had for lunch may be nothing more than a beautiful digestive cleanser.
He goes on to explain that letting your body fully digest the food allows your body to then burn fat because the insulin levels are low since there is no food coming into the body to be processed.
This happens when the stomach acid is too weak or diluted to fully digest the food.
Without a gallbladder, you will want all the help that you can get from these substances to fully digest the foods that you are eating and therefore allow you to feel comfortable, not ill, after meals.
It could be something that you eat on a daily basis and your body is unable to fully digest the food, this is not to be confused with food allergies.
They say that having only two meals a day allows your cat to fully digest her food then her blood supply is free to concentrate on other organs.

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I know life is busy and I struggle with this too, but as much as possible, try to slow down at meals, chew your food properly, and allow your body a chance to fully digest your meal before running off to a new task.
When a food is not fully combusted or digested there will be some repercussion.
Taking the time to focus on solid nutrition at midday ensures that your body is properly fueled and food is fully digested throughout the afternoon.
The idea is that the human body never fully evolved to be able to digest an assimilate grains as effectively it does hunter - gatherer type foods.
When the GI system is in a state of dysfunction, the body becomes less able to fully digest and absorb the nutrients from food.
The food that we ingest, sometimes does not get digested fully.
Food Intolerance: A food intolerance is one in which your body lacks the ability to fully digest and absorb a particular type of fFood Intolerance: A food intolerance is one in which your body lacks the ability to fully digest and absorb a particular type of ffood intolerance is one in which your body lacks the ability to fully digest and absorb a particular type of foodfood.
Regular and easy elimination will be the rule, toxins will not build up and foods will be fully digested and utilized.
Make sure you allow enough time before eating and your yoga practice for food to fully digest.
Some foods don't fully digest in your small intestine: fructose, sorbitol (a sugar alcohol used as a substitute for sugar), legumes, fiber, complex carbohydrates such as wheat, and foods containing lactose (if you lack the enzymes to process them, as many of us do).
These foods are not fully digested by the time they reach the colon, where they continue to break down — hence... gas.
Similarly, the gastrointestinal system is fully capable at birth, but must be trained to digest and otherwise process a wide variety of foods over the first several years of the newborn's life.
When this fire is weak we are not able to fully digest and metabolize our food, experiences and emotions.
Quality and preparation of food is always important, but even organic food that is not digested and assimilated fully will fail to benefit optimally if the digestive system is malfunctioning.
I know life is busy and I struggle with this too, but as much as possible, try to slow down at meals, chew your food properly, and allow your body a chance to fully digest your meal before running off to a new task.
- Through the damaged lining of the gut, larger food particles not able to be fully digested enter into the body, and your immune system reacts to these, creating food allergies and sensitivities (leaky gut rears it's ugly head once again).
Chewing your food fully helps your body absorb and digest all of the wonderful nutrients from your diet.
Food that doesn't get fully digested often ends up sitting and rotting in the gut.
Lo and behold I discovered I have quite a few food allergies and now that I have eliminated those foods I don't get the reaction from greens (they were stirring the pot of toxic build up from years of eating food I can't digest) It took about a year to fully figure out the food allergy thing and it took just as long to want to drink anything green after such negative side effects for so long.
Unfortunately, this process often causes you to expel food that is only partially digested, which makes it difficult for your body to absorb its nutrients fully.
When the food we eat is not fully digested, what should be a clear extraction supplying the organs and tissues with high quality nutrition becomes instead a toxic substance that clogs the channels and tissues.
Even if you have the chicken prepared ahead of time, it takes the body a significant amount of time to fully break down and digest protein from whole food sources, meaning more wait time for your muscles to get the building blocks they need to grow.
Slow digestion could cause food to pass through the small intestine not fully digested and consequently fermenting in the large intestine.
Another problem which may occur is that food may not be digested properly and nutrients are not absorbed fully, which can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
Many vegetables require cooking in order for your dog to be able to digest them fully, so you may consider incorporating cooked foods into their diet as well.
Eating low quality food that is full of soy or corn fillers can also cause problems; unlike humans, dogs are not fully adapted to digest vegetable fiber.
Corn may not be fully digested by your pooch, leading to stomach upsets if not food allergies.
Both dry and wet foods are made with a mix of high quality proteins, grains, and vegetables, all of which are fully cooked, making them easy to digest in sensitive cat stomachs.
The reason for this is that the anatomy and physiology of the canine digestive system requires about 4 to 6 hours for the food to be fully digested and absorbed.
Fibrous food materials take time to digest if not fully digested at all.
The first time food goes through their system; it is not fully digested, due to the bunny's short gastrointestinal tract.
Food for thought - I myself have not fully digested.
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