Sentences with phrase «fun approach»

Wearing the mash of patterns really suits a laid back look; giving it an edge and a focal point allowing casual attire to have a much more fun approach.
If your need is focused on the human - animal bond and you want a creative, intelligent and fun approach then you need us!
It's a realistic, user - friendly fun approach on creating beautiful handmade pieces for your spaces.
I guess they take a more fun approach to investigating but still keep a professional manner.
A really fun approach to science education.
Her work resonates a weaving; a tapestry of love and light through traditional foundations and modern, fun approaches in a playful style, enlightening your heart, your mind and your body in every yoga journey shared.
In Aardman's annals of cheeky scores, «Early Man's» music stands tall amidst sheep, dogs, rodents and bald human simpletons with its rousingly fun approach.
Experience fun approaches to learning effective training skills.
Joanna took a deliberately fun approach with this kitchen design, utilizing varied combinations of colors, textures and metal finishes.
Here, Christine discusses a less fuss, more fun approach to family celebrations.
A fun approach to work helps with family dynamics beyond your business.
Thank you for the inspirational and fun approach to coking.
An imposing man, a gentle giant with a friendly smile, you'll be engaged and inspired by his warm and fun approach to wine education.
Baby - led weaning offers a different and fun approach to solids for you and baby that may increase the likelihood of raising an adventurous and healthy eater.
In the end I relaxed off, keep breastfeeding and tried a fun approach.
My daughter had a ball with the other kids and responded wonderfully to «Miss Wendy's» fun approach to potty training.If you are having issues with your child, Booty Camp is a must.
Here's a fun approach to shifting the political baseline: track the Sunday morning talkshows, Media Matters - style, and rally the rabble to smack»em when they ignore your issues.
Diet Basics: A fun approach to losing weight including an eating plan that's based around unique portion control Diet Ground Rules: The Food Patrol, created by personal trainer George Taousanis, aims to educate those who are looking to lose weight and make healthy lifestyle choices.
He is noted for his science - made - simple - and - fun approach to family health.
I am a major truth - seeker, so I am reading / studying all the time, but I so appreciate your straight forward and fun approach to sharing the natural lifestyle.
Why Run Selfie Repeat is a Top Fitness Blog: People who are feeling self - conscious about getting outside to exercise will love this blog's body - positive, fun approach to exercise.
Pilates Platinum is a fun approach to fitness.
We paired the top with the crochet midi skirt, it's perfect for the warmer months and it gives the look a fresh and fun approach.
You have such a fun approach to Christmas Caitlin!
Oahu About Blog A modern, fun approach to family and vacation photography in Oahu.
This is a relaxed, fun approach to seeing who is out there and making connections.
One way youll be able to meet a lot of people is gay dating and a fun approach to meet even more is speed dating.
I think it's part of a European approach, Toni Erdmann had a fun approach
philosophy is a fun approach to team building and culture improvement that has been adopted by many schools.
Code Club's fun approach has provided notable benefits for the children.
A fun approach to collecting data using simple paper helicopters and cutting propellors to different lengths.
Write Dance is a lively, innovative, and above all, fun approach to developing prewriting and writing skills using movement.
A unique, fun approach to a classroom discussion / debate as Election Day draws near.
Keen to bring a fresh and fun approach to the topic, Mick George Ltd has set the challenge for children, alone, in pairs or small groups to create their very own Recycle - Trux out of recyclable materials as well as designing a new illustration to be added to the Commercial Waste Vehicles operated by Mick George Ltd..
Keen to bring a fresh and fun approach to the topic, Mick George Ltd set the challenge for children, alone, in pairs or small groups to create their very own Recycle - Trux out of recyclable materials.
Children really respond to our step - by - step, fun approach!
This fun approach to styling paid off since I couldn't wait to play around with everything.
I am easily distracted by this fun approach!
Thanks for sharing that fun approach.
It is certainly re-assuring to know there are gentle and fun approaches, such as those used by Fido staff, to help train and groom these amazing family pets!
Class includes a fun approach to socialization for lifelong happiness, and so much more!
This book is a lighthearted, fun approach to assist newcomers to understand a dog show.
The boat trip has a loosely and fun approach, just like going on a surf trip with your mates to hunt down perfect waves.
His adventurous, fun approach means that passengers can look forward to low - level dips, then soaring high up to see the vast expanses of Cape Town's surrounds.
We at Star Surf Camps are renowned for our enthusiastic, professional and fun approach to teaching surfing.
Their fun approach to the diving made things easier for me to get acquainted with the whole class.
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