Sentences with phrase «function of wavelength»

The rate of absorption is a very intricately varying function of the wavelength of the light.
The coating is assumed to be gray (absorption and scattering coefficients are not function of wavelength).
We report the results of simulations using a coupled ocean - atmosphere vector radiative transfer code (NASA GISS) to obtain the polarized reflectance for various water compositions typical for coastal zones, as function of wavelength and sun / sensor geometry.
Measurements and characterization of the shear layer and cavity seeing, as well as image quality evaluation as a function of wavelength have also been performed.
Detection techniques and instrumentation will be described as a function of wavelength, including the entire particle and electromagnetic spectrum: neutrino astronomy, gravitational waves, high - energy (gamma - rays and X-rays), UV - optical, near infrared and radio astronomy.
The observer will of course see Planck radiation emanating from the back wall of the cavity by the Planck function B (T), which gives the distribution of energy flux as a function of wavelength (or frequency).
The important point is that thermodynamics considerations allow us to see that absorptivity = emissivity (both as a function of wavelength), and experimental considerations allow us to extend the results to non-equilibrium conditions.
-- The IR absorption due to CO2 in air has been measured accurately and in great detail in laboratory — The downwelling radiation has been measured in many locations with variable accuracy and number of details — The outgoing IR radiation at the top of atmosphere has been measured as a function of the wavelength
-- the atmospheric concentration of CO2 and other GHG's; — the reflective & absorptive characteristics, as a function of wavelength, for the GHG's; — the specific heat and mass of the earth's intermediate - term heat - storage media — the oceans (primarily) and the atmosphere; — the quantity of heat absorbed by phase - changes = ice - melt; and by chemical / biological processes.
I am quite surprised IR optical depth, as a function of wavelength in the thermal range is not measured by satellites.
In brief, for each molecule at each wavelength, the total optical thickness is equal to the total number of molecules in the path x the absorption coefficient (which is a function of wavelength).
These data are measurements of how the solar output varies as a function of wavelength from an instrument called «SIM» (the Spectral Irradiance Monitor).
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