Sentences with phrase «function tests»

"Function tests" refer to evaluations or experiments conducted to check if something is working properly and fulfilling its intended purpose. Full definition
None of the doses was associated with major adverse events or changes in thyroid function test results.
There was no significant difference in liver function tests between patients on drug and on placebo.
I've had a CT scan, blood tests and lung function tests just recently.
Blood tests will usually reveal elevated kidney function tests because of chronic dehydration, and sodium will be low while potassium will be high, normal, or elevated.
Participants were given cognitive function tests at the beginning of the study to establish a baseline, then at two and four years later.
Thyroid function testing in elephant seals in health and disease.
It is noteworthy, however, that laboratory thyroid function test results did not differ significantly between the two groups.
Overall, the musical participants performed better on several, although not all, of the executive function tests.
Based on the brain function tests done before and after the study, the group eating low - fat foods had a significant decrease in memory and cognitive function.
This nerve function test measures the time it takes for a nerve to respond to stimuli.
There is generally no pattern to abnormal primary laboratory results, but changes in associated organ function tests may be noted.
Typically after age 70, many carriers will include a cognitive and physical function test.
However, we always recommend liver function tests while taking this medication.
Be sure to have your thyroid function tested as well.
The participants had their cognitive function tested annually for up to eight years.
At the end of the task, they underwent the same three heart function tests again.
Your doctor will check your thyroid function tests frequently to assess thyroid function following treatment.
The coolest and most novel function we tested was the remote surround view feature, called Remote 3D View.
Similarly liver function tests become abnormal only when significant liver dysfunction is present.
Some of her recent work has gone deeper and included sleep manipulation studies where children have their sleep restricted by as little as an hour and then have daytime functioning tested.
The researchers subsequently investigated whether a concept known as «machine learning» could be used to analyse the complete lung function tests.
Although routine kidney function test results change after kidney donation, results aren't necessarily a sign of kidney disease, he says.
We may suggest infectious disease and internal organ function testing.
The Cap - Score Sperm Function Test measures the sperm's ability to penetrate and fertilize an egg.
Patients with right - sided CHF should be treated with furosemide (1 - 2 mg / kg, bid), a low - dose angiotensin - converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor such as enalapril (0.25 mg / kg, bid, possibly increased to 0.5 mg / kg, bid after 1 wk pending renal function test results), and a restricted sodium diet.
You should have thyroid function tests performed periodically.
These are the recommended thyroid function tests from page 32 of my book: — TSH ¨ TPO Antibodies ¨ Thyroglobulin Antibodies ¨ Free T4 ¨ Free T3 ¨ Reverse T3 (optional) ¨ Thyroid Ultrasound (optional)
Kaplan A, Peterson ME: Effects of nonadrenal disease on adrenal function tests In: Bonagura JD (ed): Current Veterinary Therapy XIII.
Liver biopsy — If your liver function tests suggest liver damage, your doctor may perform a biopsy, taking a small sample of your liver tissue using a thin needle and sending it for laboratory evaluation.
Artificial intelligence could improve the interpretation of lung function tests for the diagnosis of long - term lung diseases, according to the findings of a new study.
All the subjects had cognitive function tests at the start of the study, but only 334 of them, or about 75 %, completed a second round of brain evaluations at the end of the trial (after about four years of follow - up) to assess the impact of the diets.
It can precede the classic motor signs of the disease by several years, and olfactory tests have been shown to do a better job than motor function tests when it comes to distinguishing Parkinson's patients from healthy control subjects.
Subjects underwent endothelial function testing after an 8 - h, overnight fast and then 2 h after each treatment.
TESTED RFID BLOCKING Professional blocking function test indicate Travelambo Rfid Blocking Passport Holder Wallet & Travel Wallet Envelope block for 13.56 MHz frequency, which is used for credit cards and passports.
Peterson ME: Thyroid gland function testing in cats.
The conduct of the officer, the legality of your arrest, field sobriety tests, proper functioning test equipment, and correct handling of your evidence are just a few of the issues that can be raised during your DUI defense by your San Diego criminal attorney.
Development manager for Sleep Diagnostic and Pulmonary Function Test medical device product lines.
The patients» scores on a range of limb function tests also improved after the surgery.
After first starting a medication, retest your thyroid function tests within 4 - 8 weeks.
The Cap - Score Sperm Function Test helps fertility specialists determine whether a man's sperm functions properly.
The Cap - Score Sperm Function Test goes one important step further by being the first test to measure sperm - function.
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