Sentences with phrase «functional ability»

A rehabilitation assistant performs a number of duties for example implementing individual and group involvement and activities that perk up or maintain functional abilities of patients.
You can improve functional ability in all areas of daily life at the age of fifty by following a proper exercise workout.
Forty - eight percent of the yoga practitioners reported long - term relief, decreased pain and greater functional ability.
Conventional care often fails to manage chronic pain effectively, and other approaches to relieve or reduce pain and increase functional ability are needed.
Growth hormone replacement in healthy older men improves body composition but not functional ability.
Physical medicine is a branch of medicine that aims to enhance and restore functional ability to people with injuries to muscles, bones, and the nervous system.
It's preferred that you do not workout before your screen so that the test results reflect your true functional abilities.
Not only did the yoga group report significantly more functional ability, less pain, and less depression, they also tended to use less pain medication than the group receiving conventional treatment.
Sex Therapy Surrogate Partners for Individuals with Very Limited Functional Ability Following Traumatic Brain Injury in the Sexuality and Disability Journal by Aloni, Keren, and Katz
Functional Abilities Form This is another form that your doctor will have to fill out.
Depends on one's goals: I do kettlebells to have optimal strength development & improve functional ability... increase mass = increase in muscle fiber recruitment = increase in strength gains thru the entire kinetic chain.
The principal difference between this and the irenic - arms image is that functional ability within the context of law is shown as the reconciling medium, rather than charisma.
By stimulating this region of the brain, the Alzheimer's subjects cognitive and daily functional abilities as a whole declined more slowly than Alzheimer's patients in a matched comparison group not being treated with DBS,» he said.
When cultured upon selected combination of islet - specific laminins, pancreatic islets exhibited following effects: (1) robust spreading into flattened adherent clusters with heterocellular organization, (2) islets maintain functional ability for glucose - dependent insulin release, (3) all the endocrine cell types maintain specific markers expression and ability to proliferate.
Proven lesson - imparting skills along with functional ability to handle students according to set behavioral rules.
Despite this, they found that the lower the level of testosterone or either of the estrogens, the higher the chance that the men had worse functional abilities at the two - year follow - up evaluation.
The service members underwent a battery of neurological and neuropsychological assessments as well as tests of their overall functional ability to return to work and live independently.
A separate study found that taking one moderately anticholinergic drug, or two mildly anticholinergic drugs, reduced functional ability in older adults (bathing and dressing) by 30 percent.
K - TOWN Physiotherapy provides services to individuals to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout their life.
So if you're unable to touch your toes yet you force yourself to do it, (or have someone push your back down or legs up to accomplish the task), then you're going beyond your current functional ability.
In addition to pain, patients suffering from rotator cuff tear often experience a gradual reduction in functional ability because of decreasing shoulder range of motion that makes simple everyday tasks such as combing one's hair, fastening a brassiere, or reaching overhead quite difficult.
«In fact, after the rehabilitation trial Tinetti's scale showed a statistically significant decrease in the risk of falling and the Global Mobility Task showed better stability, reflected in decreased time and increased functional ability highlighted by the 6 - Minute Walk Test.»
Background C.M. was assessed by P.M. regarding her work - related functional abilities after a motor vehicle accident.
Atrophy — Withering away — decrease in size and functional ability of tissue or organs.
We have also retained doctors from the hospital to assist our office and our clients in preparing medico - legal reports and functional ability evaluations.
A new systematic review, published in the Cochrane Library today, suggests that yoga may lead to a reduction in pain and functional ability in people with chronic non-specific lower back pain over the short term, compared with no exercise.
Research has shown being outside correlates with greater functional ability and lower rates of obesity, depression, and mortality.
Also known as a skill set, a skillset can refer to functional abilities as well as categories of skills.
Exercise - based rehabilitation improves fitness and functional ability for people with long - term conditions.1 These outcomes are hugely important because they make a substantial difference to people's lives and to the economy.
The guidelines project emerged from an ongoing Mass Audubon initiative — also made possible in part by IMLS — to develop «state of the technology» Sensory Trails at its sanctuaries across the state for visitors with a full range of functional abilities.
With support from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, Mass Audubon created a comprehensive guidelines manual for developing and sustaining accessible All Persons trails and associated visitor materials to be used by a wide variety of people with a full range of functional abilities.
It is the functional ability of the tongue, not the look of the frenulum that determines if a baby should be treated.
The project, which has emerged from Mass Audubon's commitment to developing trails at its wildlife sanctuaries for visitors with a full range of functional abilities, will provide guidance and support materials for like - minded organizations nationwide.
«However, studies have shown that HDL doesn't work as well in people at high risk for heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases, and that the functional ability of HDL matters as much as its quantity,» said senior study author Montserrat Fitó, M.D., Ph.D., and coordinator of the Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute in Barcelona and at the Ciber of Physipathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), Spain.
The recommendations suggest a nine - item cLBP «Impact Score,» incorporating ratings of pain intensity, interference with normal activities, and functional ability.
The functional ability in old age is a result of processes which may have started already in midlife — some of them have supported the health of the person while others may have been detrimental to the health.
The results indicate that a three - month physical therapy period significantly improved the functional ability of both groups, and the results persisted at a 12 - month follow - up.
This combination reduced the disability experienced by patients and significantly improved their functional ability.
Compared to the onset of the study, the results of the group doing personally tailored exercises were statistically and clinically better than the results of the group doing generic exercises both with regard to the level of disability and improvement of functional ability.
The U.S. Department of Education has found that the ABA model has «no discernible effects on communication and language skills, social and emotional development or functional abilities,» says Julia Bascom, executive director of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN).
The clinical significance of this study is, postmenopausal women in mind, that despite of mild knee osteoarthritis, a person is allowed and even encouraged to progressively implement high - impact loading exercises to maintain and improve her health and functional ability.
Published in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 12, 2016, the study's findings suggest patients» illness severity, functional abilities, cognitive status and neuropsychological wellbeing are not associated with caregiver outcomes.
For the first time ever, thin electrical wires were surgically implanted into the frontal lobes of the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease to determine if using a brain pacemaker could improve cognitive, behavioral, and functional abilities in patients with this form of dementia.
The researchers noted that obesity may quicken age - related declines in functional ability, and poses a threat to independence as we age.
Early detection of COPD may also enable early treatment that can improve symptoms, functional abilities and quality of life.
Published in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 12, 2016, the study's findings suggest patients» illness severity, functional abilities, cognitive status and neuropsychological well - being are not associated with caregiver outcomes.
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