Sentences with phrase «functioned as allegories»

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It is a hamfisted cautionary tale about global warming (which, via the film's scientific hand - waving, produces an ice age), but it also functions as a powerful 9/11 allegory, celebrating the ability of New Yorkers to unify in the face of tragedy.
They are not written for children, and do not function in any way as allegories.
The dam's broken and you can't put the water back; and though it's not obviously an allegory for them, suddenly the film functions as stark reflection of our anxieties that we might be too late to save the planet, too uncertain of the terms to win the war.
And the arc of the movie, in which Luke is indoctrinated into an all - male world of regimentation, brutality, and the following of orders that can seem bafflingly pointless, marks it as one of the earliest American studio films to function as a sustained Vietnam War allegory.
A moving and finely observed look at race relations and oppression in the World War II - era South, «Mudbound» also functions as a fascinating, almost Marxist allegory within its constructed community.
Unfamiliar with symbolism - laden allegory, and without knowing how allegories function as social critiques, most students manage only a surface - level comprehension of the text, missing the opportunity to explore the larger ideas of human capability and culpability.
Published concurrently with an exhibition at Kunstmuseum Luzern, Blasted Allegories functions as a visual essay rather than an exhaustive account of the last four decades of contemporary art.
For this exhibition, Andrews situates her sculptures against a conceptual and, at times, pictorial backdrop of presidential elections that functions as a rich allegory.
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