Sentences with phrase «fund deficit»

Hence, the general fund deficit would not see a reduction and the line would need to be marked as a deficit increase for 2013.
Chancellor is on training course to fulfills his borrowing targets as United kingdom data smallest funds deficit for February since 2008 & #thirteen
Lousy monetary policy — way too much expansion of the monetary base, and for little good reason, and funding the deficits of the government as a result...
Globally, treasury departments continue to face funding deficits with no simple resolution in sight, and the ensuing significant increases in government debt have produced several sovereign debt crises.
Filed last November, the parents» lawsuit asserts that the LIFO statute violates students» right to an education by unjustly requiring school districts to retain ineffective teachers while cutting other areas of education spending or laying off more effective teachers when faced with funding deficits.
The value of shares in Uniq have fallen sharply after the UK chilled prepared foods group's long - term proposals for tackling its pension fund deficit failed to gain clearance from the Pension Regulator.
Speaking of the Treasury, they've got to pretty massively increase the supply of bonds to the market to fund the deficits induced by the tax cut and spending bill, which puts downward pressure on bond prices and upward pressure on yields.
But the issue funds deficits long - term and keeps the market open, giving Puerto Rico a lifeline.
Since they never once suggest that the debt incurred to fund deficit spending should be repaid in kind, as Keynes would have insisted, the only reasonable scenario would be for the FOMC to eventually make QE a permanent feature of the American political economy.
Meanwhile, increasing the supply of bonds to fund a deficit increase could depress asset prices, he added, offsetting tax program benefits.
Read below: POOR BUDGET PRACTICES HURTING ROCKLAND COUNTY County Has Incurred Large Debt and General Fund Deficit Budgeting practices by Rockland County have left it with an accumulated deficit of more than -LSB-...]
Mr. Hammerle was a member of the board during the tenure of former Town Supervisor Bill McGintee, whose financial mismanagement resulted in charges against the onetime town budget officer, Ted Hults, in Mr. McGintee's resignation, and in an internal town fund deficit that was just recently tallied at $ 27 million.
Republican Town Council nominee Bill Schirmer, a small business owner with a long history of community service, will provide incumbent Supervisor Kelly Myers and Deputy Supervisor Jimmy Bruno with the support they need to reform our town government and eliminate the $ 400,000 General Fund deficit accrued by the Democratic - backed majority.
Moreover, the balance between using cuts to fund deficit reduction or alternative spending is firmly in the direction of Conservative deficit hawks.
Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos suggested Tuesday the state could cut a chunk out of a looming $ 680 million transportation fund deficit by removing public transit from that part of the budget.
Innovations like blended learning or front - loaded salary schedules can help at the margins, but they can't erase the impact of major funding deficits.
Three of the five school districts that face more scrutiny from Michigan's Department of Treasury have reduced their general fund deficits last school year.
In my county we have actually been impacted by both issues and are facing a $ 2,800,000 + EC funding deficit for next school year.
Even if the plan is wound up, the employer would still fund the deficit, Clausen says.
Governments are going to have a tough time funding these deficits with yields rising and maybe a credit downgrade or two.
This is similar to other retirement withdrawal calculators, but RP lets you input an assumed discount rate needed to fund the deficits from now until retirement.
At that time, LPIC was working hard to build confidence in a new insurance program (and itself as the new insurer of the program) in the wake of the E&O fund deficit crisis of the mid-1990s.
He found that market volatility, falling gilt yields and historically low interest rates are focusing minds on funding deficits, de-risking strategies and liability management in the area of defined benefits pensions.
Under the Non-Negative Capital Guarantee feature, the benefit paid on Maturity is never less than the total premiums paid and if it is less, the company funds the deficit
Calstrs has a long - term goal of 7.5 percent annual returns and is on track to close its long - term funding deficit, according to an April 7 report by consultant Milliman.
In turn, with just # 29m in cash assets, this made it impossible to manage its substantial # 900m of bank debt and a similarly burdensome # 600m pension fund deficit.
They allege that these laws unjustly require Newark, a struggling school district, to retain ineffective teachers, while cutting millions of dollars each year from other areas of education spending or laying off more effective teachers when faced with funding deficits.
POUGHKEEPSIE — An audit of the City of Poughkeepsie's books by the state comptroller's office has found that inaccurate budgeting has created an $ 11 million general fund deficit.
Lost revenues from tax cuts, twinned with greater government spending, mean more borrowing to fund deficits.
To fund the deficit, other countries lend to, or invest in, the deficit country's businesses.
And, at some point, the government will no longer be able to borrow to fund the deficit, which means a tax increase or reduced spending.
In 2011, Rhode Island cut retirement benefits for current employees as a way to narrow a $ 7 billion funding deficit in its public pensions.
3) State governments can not borrow to fund deficits (they can arrange certain amount of chicanery among their accounts, but there are natural limits to that).
Borrowing to fund the deficit this year is now set to come in at # 146 billion, below target.
According to an audit released today by state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli's office, «inaccurate budgeting» by the Hudson River city has left it with a $ 11 million general fund deficit and caused «severe» fiscal stress.
As part of the deal to allow a minority private sector stakeholder, the government has said it will take over the Royal Mail's pension fund deficit.
Most of the schemes, including the 600,000 - strong civil service scheme and the NHS scheme covering 1.3 million employees are unfunded and paid from the government's annual tax receipts, while the 1.6 million workers in the local government scheme are facing a funding deficit.
In the past five years, SUNY has raised tuition around $ 300 per year, in order to make up for a funding deficit.
The County has borrowed money to fund its deficits and this mortgage had to be paid off.
Presiding Officer William Lindsay (D - Holbrook) said the bipartisan effort aims to reduce the county's projected $ 126 million general fund deficit.
In addition, it's no secret that school funding does not correlate with results, yet public school activists continue to claim «crisis - level» funding deficits.
In the 2012 - 2013 budget, school districts received less than $ 492 million in funding from the state to pay these costs, resulting in a funding deficit of $ 800 million.
Loans will not be used as a means of funding a deficit that has arisen because a school's recurrent costs exceed its current income.»
However, an extra paragraph is now proposed in the statutory guidance on treatment of surplus and deficit balances when maintained schools become academies, to say that «The Department will not recognise as a loan any sum that has been provided in order to fund a deficit that has arisen because a school's recurrent costs exceed its current income».
Schools across the state are facing a funding deficit.
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