Sentences with phrase «fund police overtime»

The asset forfeiture fund also has been used to fund police overtime and to provide $ 1.5 million for the East End emergency radio system, DA's spokesman Robert Clifford said.

Not exact matches

For example, Mangano wants to tack a new $ 105 fee onto all traffic and parking tickets to raise $ 64 million next year to fund police department hires and cover rising officer salaries and overtime.
He proposed eliminating all of the $ 13.5 million spent on police overtime to fund neighborhood initiatives.
To cover the nearly $ 18 million shortfall in budgeted overtime costs, Naughton said funds were moved from other parts of the police department budget where there was a surplus.
The council well knows they are only symbolically cutting funding from the overtime lines of police and fire.
Miner said she made arguments in private to councilors that cutting overtime for firefighters would cost the city federal funding and that police overtime money couldn't simply be thrown at hiring new officers.
The most controversial amendments including those to the Land Bank funding, police and fire overtime - are short sighted and counterproductive.
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