Sentences with word «fundal»

The word "fundal" refers to something that is related to the bottom or deepest part of a hollow space or cavity, like the uterus or the eye. Full definition
It has direct links with the gestational age at which the child was born and can be estimated during the pregnancy by measuring fundal height.
This involves measuring fundal height — the distance between the top of your uterus and your pubic bone.
There is a school of thought that all brachial plexus injuries during birth are avoidable and are the product of either excessive traction on the baby's head by the obstetrician or the use of fundal pressure by labor and delivery nurses which further jams the shoulder into the pubic symphysis in combination with excessive traction.
My uterus was also pretty tired after the second — I had augmentation, as well as fundal massage + IM pitocin, so there's that too.
At 2:15: the «extraordinary use of fundal pressure» with the baby being forced out of the mother by a nurse using her full weight to push on the woman's belly from under her ribs.
Using fundal pressure in the second stage of labor to attempt to cause descent of the fetus; III.
as one who is a l / d nurse and just had her «first» at home, just wanted to let you know that my midwife took better postpartum care with me than I'd ever seen in 3 years of l & d. Fundal checks assessment.
When you have your doctor's visit, the physician will measure something called fundal height to ensure that your baby is at the proper size.
- midwife tried to deliver baby by applying fundal pressure - midwife cut an eposiotomy while baby was at +1 station, then sewed it back up when the baby did not deliver and before transport to ER - mother was uncooperative and combative to staff at Hopkins, refusing to give medical history, refusing to consent to C - section, and refusing blood draw.
While it's certainly no cause for concern, your doctor may change your due date for a number of reasons as your pregnancy progresses, including the following: your periods are irregular and your early ultrasound dating was off, your first ultrasound was in the second trimester, you have an abnormal fundal height, or you have abnormal levels of alpha - fetoprotein (AFP), a protein made by the baby.
Routine measurement of the baby's growth by symphysis fundal height measurement and detailed plotting of the growth at each antenatal appointment from 24 weeks of pregnancy.
First, the Roux - en - Y gastric bypass surgery involves formation of a 15 - to 30 - mL fundal pouch.
You can even measure fundal height yourself to make sure your baby is growing well.
Didn't need cord traction with the third, but did have augmentation, IM pitocin and fundal massage due to a tired uterus, manual anterior lip reduction, and mild shoulder dystocia.
How to abdominally palpate the uterus, how to evaluate the size and position of the fetus, how to measure fundal height.
During visits we will do the same things such as test urine, take your blood pressure, listen to the baby's heart, screen for abnormal symptoms, measure the fundal height, etc..
Like your OB appointment, we test your urine, take your blood pressure, listen to the baby's heart, screen for abnormal symptoms, and measure the fundal height.
No, it means, try pitocin, fundal massage, etc before going for the yummy placenta piece.
Sometimes the amount of amniotic fluid is suspected to be one or the other by palpating the abdomen or measuring the fundal height, both routine practices in prenatal care.
We would sit, talk about the pregnancy, how I was feeling, they would check my BP, fundal height, check baby's heart rate, and palpate me to see where baby was located.
Most doctors and midwives will monitor weight gain and fundal height (a measurement between the pubic bone and the top of the uterus) during routine appointments.
At each prenatal visit you can expect time to have your questions answered, discussion around topics relevant to your current stage of pregnancy, clinical care including having your blood pressure and pulse taken, having your midwife palpate your baby, measure your fundal height, listen to your baby's heart beat, and time to catch up on whats been going on in your life and how you are feeling about your pregnancy.
Fundal heights that are either higher or lower than expected will result in additional testing as it can be an indication of a range of issues including gestational diabetes, a breech baby, or growth problems
She'll also measure the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus (this is called your fundal height) and compare it to your baby's gestational age — as well as to the measurement from your previous visit — to make sure your baby's growth rate seems normal.
This is known as the fundal height, and is used to monitor the growth of the fetus.
At week 28 of pregnancy, your fundal height may be 26 to 30 centimeters.
Your fundal height at week 20 may be 18 to 22 centimeters.
As a very general guide, your fundal height in centimeters should be about the same as the number of weeks you are pregnant.
By the end of the sixth month of pregnancy, your fundal height may be 25 to 27 centimeters.
At week 32, your fundal height may be 30 to 34 centimeters.
By week 16, your fundal height may be about 14 to 18 centimeters.
A reader writes: «My fundal height is measuring 30 and I am almost 33 weeks pregnant.
For example, a petite woman tends to peak around 35 centimeters, while obese women can have fundal heights that far exceed their gestational age.
Did your fundal height measurement exceed 38 cm?
By the 15th week, your doctor may begin measuring your fundal height to monitor growth.
Women who are carrying multiples often experience increased uterine stretching, and the fundal height may be greater than the actual gestational age.
(If you have concerns regarding your weight gain or fundal height, consult your healthcare provider.)
Typically at each prenatal visit, your practitioner checks your fundal height (the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus) with a tape measure.

Phrases with «fundal»

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