Sentences with phrase «fundamental human issues»

When such fundamental human issues are ignored by therapists, the growth - enabling effects of their therapy are reduced.
I still think a reasonable American goal might be a kind of Socratic openness to taking competing claims for truth — even or especially about the fundamental human issues — seriously as claims for truth.

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This goes beyond the law to an issue of fundamental respect for human dignity.
The pamphlet deals with a fundamental issue of human experience and human history.
Our «intuitive sense of self», says a New Scientist magazine special issue, «is an effortless and fundamental human experience.
To allow political ideology to overshadow human needs and fundamental issues of life and death is to go seriously astray.
This reasoning may initially seem cold and overly distanced, but the underlying issues touch on the most fundamental questions of what it means to be human, of what it means to love.
Without anticipating the later issue of the gender of third - person pronouns, he wisely located what is fundamental about reality, human and divine, in the word - pair I - Thou.
Even a glance at the issue's table of contents shows the article by the Acton Institute's Kevin Schmiesing, «Another Social Justice Tradition: Catholic Conservatives,» which highlights and quotes CA: «The pope approves of that capitalism «which recognizes the fundamental and positive role of business, the market, private property, and the resulting responsibility for the means of production, as well as free human creativity in the economic sector.
Concentrating on current problem, Popieluszko always took note of the largest issues involved such as the nature of authority and government, justice and the fundamental human right to freedom and believed that the root cause of the problems of Poland was the exclusion of God from its socio - political life and in the governing process.
Although Whiting was satisfied that the problems Haas had in Australia were down to human error, Ferrari's problem in Bahrain has triggered suspicion that there might be a fundamental issue:
Justice Anka also ruled that leave was not required for the matter to be heard during vacation as Order 4 Rule 5 of the Fundamental Rights Enforcement Procedure Rules of 2009, enjoins the court to pursue speed and justice on issues of fundamental huFundamental Rights Enforcement Procedure Rules of 2009, enjoins the court to pursue speed and justice on issues of fundamental hufundamental human rights.
Introduction to issue of Human Ecology that focuses on the interrelated nature of crisis in human and environmental systems and argues that the right to a healthy environment is a fundamental human rHuman Ecology that focuses on the interrelated nature of crisis in human and environmental systems and argues that the right to a healthy environment is a fundamental human rhuman and environmental systems and argues that the right to a healthy environment is a fundamental human rhuman right.
These issues of astronaut health «must be dealt with now before fundamental decisions are reached concerning the appropriate time for humans to move away from Earth on voyages of exploration,» Ronald White, former associate director of the National Space Biomedical Research Institute in Houston, wrote in a recent paper.
«Working to help families that are grappling with these really big issues that get down to the fundamentals of who we are as human beings really keeps some perspective in your life,» she says, «and that's what I love about genetic counseling.»
While representatives of NASA and three aerospace companies explained their habitat plans, Weir honed in on a more fundamental issue, insisting that humans are not meant to spend long durations in zero gravity and the focus should be on developing artificial gravity.
However, a protocol whose end goal is restoration of KM, while certainly helpful in delaying mitochondrial decay, does not address the more fundamental issue — why does human physiology shift from a homeostasic state that repairs and balances itself to one that allows decay to accumulate?
Even if it is generally said the internet access is a private - law issue, according to a 2010 BBC survey four in five people in the world believe that internet access is a fundamental human right.
Project Zero poses fundamental questions of human potential — including intelligence, learning, critical thinking, and creativity — as they relate to contemporary issues facing an array of educational settings, such as schools, families, museums, and businesses.
Abortion is one of the most controversial and emotive of all ethical issues, raising fundamental questions about human existence.
It's the fundamental civil and human rights issue of our time.
Thanks to people like Montier and sites like Greenbackd and Turnkey, I'm much less evangelical about «strong» fundamental valuation methodologies, and much more open to systematic quant approaches that do their best to eliminate the various behavioural issues that come hardwired in the human brain.
His poetically charged works, often approaching a kind of sensual or perceptual riddles or revelations, involves issues regarding the most fundamental existence and meaning of images in human culture — images and memory, images and identity, images and absence or death.
The architects came up with three divergent yet equally innovative solutions to address the fundamental issue that plagues digital production: an apparent lack of a «human touch.»
While John Armleder, Jeff Koons, Haim Steinbach, and others carry on the spirit of Duchamp's intellectual wisecrack (while exploring issues of commodification, the doubtfulness of discernment, and the irrelevance of the art / kitsch dichotomy, all addressed through a compliant stance toward the marketplace), Gober bathes his urinals, sinks, beds, doors, dog baskets, armchairs, and other furnishings in murkier, more psychologically provocative waters, transforming his roster of everyday objects into an iconography of fundamental human experience.
The exhibition is an exploration of the production and culture of tobacco ultimately alludes to fundamental issues of human culture and of tobacco as a medium of social exchange.
Xu Bing: Tobacco Project An exploration of the production and culture of tobacco ultimately alludes to fundamental issues of human culture and of tobacco as a medium of social exchange.
a The Sustainable Development Goals currently being discussed need to i) be universal, ii) be based on equity and fundamental human rights, iii) embed climate change as a cross-cutting issue, and iv) be formulated through open and inclusive processes;
It is an issue of social justice, human rights and fundamental ethics,» Ban said in his opening remarks at the meeting.
«The fundamental problem with issues such as Climate Change and Ecological Degradation is that they stem from a core problem, the exponential growth of human demands upon the earth, and thus the only solution is an end to that growth.
Arbitrary quotas are rarely a good idea, especially when it comes to rationing the time judges have to deal with complex issues relating to fundamental human rights.
It is a fundamental, national human rights issue; one of the most profoundly important that we face.
The case engages fundamental issues of Constitutional and human rights and administrative law — including the delineation of equality rights, religious freedoms, and the LSUC's jurisdiction as an administrative decision - maker.
Human Rights Issue That the return of the child «would not be permitted by the fundamental principles of the requested State relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.&rHuman Rights Issue That the return of the child «would not be permitted by the fundamental principles of the requested State relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.&rhuman rights and fundamental freedoms.»
Even the Law Society of Upper Canada was upset and issued a statement, which began: «The actions of President General Pervez Musharraf are blatant violations of fundamental human rights under international law and unacceptable attacks on the independence of the judiciary, the bar, and the rule of law.»
Nor were there any issues raised that the return to the children's custodian in Germany would invoke a Canadian public policy exemption as set out in Art. 20 of the Hague Convention on grounds of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
They had to deal with the most fundamental issues such as the problem that no one has any idea what measure of time the human race will use in the year 12000.
There are only two fundamental differences between bitcoin and national currencies: (1) bitcoin is issued by an algorithm rather than a central bank so predictable machines rather than arbitrary humans control the «printing» and the total amount of bitcoin; (2) creditors can sue you if you present bitcoin to settle a debt denominated in national currency but if you present the currency it will be a defence to the creditor's suit under some form of a «legal tender» statute (Currency Act, RSC 1985, c C - 52 in Canada; 31 U.S. Code § 5103 in the US).
This is not only a fundamental issue of human rights.
On issues such as CRISPR and genetic engineering the EU is regulating itself out of the competition and many businesspeople are unaware that this will get much worse once the ECJ starts using the Charter of Fundamental Rights to seize control of such regulation for itself, which will mean not just more anti-science regulation but also damaging uncertainty as scientists and companies face the ECJ suddenly pulling a human rights «top trump» out of the deck whenever they fancy (one of the many arguments Vote Leave made during the referendum that we could not get the media to report, partly because of persistent confusion between the COFR and the ECHR).
They were able to make an act of personal identification with the issue, and to recognise that both raise fundamental questions of human rights.
[12] In this way, it may be possible to clarify issues that are central to all native title negotiations and are fundamental to establishing stable, equitable relationships between all parties, while ensuring that the processes according to which the negotiations are conducted respect the fundamental human rights of all parties.
Protecting the rights of the child — and respecting the human rights of Indigenous Australians — one and the same approach The complex issues being tackled and the proposed measures to be taken in the Northern Territory raise a host of fundamental human rights principles.
Similar recommendations were also made by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people (Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, Addendum: Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Australia (2010), UN Doc A / HRC / 15 at 18 May 2010)-RRB- and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (Economic and Social Council, Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 9th Session, Draft Report (2010), UN Doc E / C.19 / 2010 / L.2)..
Mandatory sentencing laws can be differentiated from other state and territory laws that a federal government may not like, as they involve fundamental issues of compliance - of Australia - with human rights obligations.
[118] For example, United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Report of the International Workshop on Methodologies regarding Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Indigenous Peoples (New York, 17 — 19 January 2005), UN Doc E / C.19 / 2005/3 (2005), para 46; J Anaya, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, Report to the Human Rights Council, 12th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 12 / 34 (2009); Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Progress report on the study on indigenous peoples and the right to participate in decision - making, Report to the Human Rights Council, 15th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 15 / 35 (2human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people, James Anaya, Report to the Human Rights Council, 12th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 12 / 34 (2009); Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Progress report on the study on indigenous peoples and the right to participate in decision - making, Report to the Human Rights Council, 15th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 15 / 35 (2Human Rights Council, 12th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 12 / 34 (2009); Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Progress report on the study on indigenous peoples and the right to participate in decision - making, Report to the Human Rights Council, 15th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 15 / 35 (2Human Rights Council, 15th session, UN Doc A / HRC / 15 / 35 (2010).
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