Sentences with phrase «fundamental issue raised»

The fact that advocacy groups run on private funding matters in a society with extreme wealth disparities and is itself, I think, the fundamental issue raised by the leaked documents.
However, we'd be very interested in any comments on the fundamental issue raised — how do (or should) science blogs and traditional peer - review intersect and whether Myles» perception that they are in conflict is widely shared.
However, we'd be very interested in any comments on the fundamental issue raised — how do (or should) science blogs and traditional peer - review intersect and whether Myles» perception that they are in conflict is widely shared.
Stackhouse examines the fundamental issue raised by a careful analysis of the literature considered in the first two sections.
Never must one of these new religions be laughed at or dismissed easily; rather it must be understood on its own terms and as a serious response to some fundamental issues raised by the women's movement.
«The program's credibility is threatened when it continually puts forth assessments that fail to address fundamental issues raised by reviewers,» said Representative Paul Broun (R - GA), chair of the House science committee, at a hearing on the topic.
Critics not pleased with reform plan Like other critics, Angermeyer is concerned that the reform plan touted by Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan replaces sticks with carrots without addressing fundamental issues raised by NCLB's failure, such as the appropriateness of using student tests to rate teachers.
The current challenges of these two great museums will resolve themselves over time, but the fundamental issues raised underscore some critical economic issues facing many U.S. art museums.

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It raises fundamental issues about the extent to which the sharing economy is largely an effort to evade regulations, many of which serve important public purposes.»
Unquestionably the issues raised are of far more fundamental theological and religious importance than cleaning up sexist language and electing women bishops, important as those achievements are.
The question raises a fundamental issue in interfaith discussion, especially for monotheists.
This issue is important in part because it raises fundamental theological and hermeneutical questions in a way that is close to the experience of many and thus can be understood by nontheologians.
It raises many very sensitive theological as well as social issues on which Hinduism with its mystic orientation and Christianity and Islam with their prophetic historical orientation differ in a fundamental sense.
Justin D. Klassen and James K. A. Smith raise far more issues than I can pursue here, so let me try to isolate what I see as fundamental: Is Taylor's understanding of secularism in principle opposed to Catholic Christianity?
As is evident, these questions raise all sorts of fundamental issues for Christian theology: about God, about «revelation,» about the decisiveness of the event of Christ — and corresponding questions for members of each of the other faiths (e.g., how veridical or «absolute» in this context is the «higher level of consciousness» of the Buddhists?).
I must admit I rather hesitate to raise the issue of Shakespeare's religion, because at a fundamental level a concentration on his personal beliefs obscures the essence of his achievement.
For like the practice of slavery, and like the Jim Crow laws of the not - so - distant past, the abortion issue raises the most fundamental questions of justice — questions that can not be avoided, and that can not be be resolved by judicial fiat.
If Christian churches are ever to become a prophetic voice they must give serious attention to the fundamental issues Ellul raises in this book as well as in his previous works on propaganda in technological societies.
The abilities to control the process of procreation and to delay death raise fundamental issues about life and death in a new way.
Sodexo is committed to playing a role in achieving this goal and is redoubling our efforts to eliminate food waste at every client site we serve through programs that focus on raising awareness and influencing the behaviors of our customers and employees; continuously improving our back - of - house processes and upgrading equipment in the kitchen; measuring our impact; and sharing our expertise with our clients and external industry partners to drive fundamental change on the issue of food waste.
The issues around state power and surveillance raised by Edward Snowden's revelations should be an important theme in the upcoming general election, while the symbolic double anniversary of Magna Carta (aged 800) and the web (aged 25) offers an opportunity for critical reflection on how to upgrade fundamental liberties in response to new threats and re-imagine how technology can serve the common good.
«Nobody realized and raised the fundamental issue on the floor, so we are raising it here at the committee level, but they are not minded to agree.
[50] In a statement released through his lawyer, Woolas stated that «this election petition raised fundamental issues about the freedom to question and criticise politicians» and that it «will inevitably chill political speech».
To Be or Not to Be The seemingly simple question of whether or not viruses are alive, which my students often ask, has probably defi ed a simple answer all these years because it raises a fundamental issue: What exactly defi nes «life?»
This raises fundamental concerns over issues of safety, toxicity as well as potentially fatal side effects.
When underlying VALUES are deliberately identified during the discussions and debates about topics, issues and concerns raised in SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development) and fundamental British Values sessions, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) lessons and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) slots, young citizens begin to appreciate the significance of how values provide standards, principles and signposts that guide decisions and actions.
This study should decrease our confidence, but — especially given the issues that Peshek and others raise with the fundamental design of the program — it should not decrease it a great deal.
Abortion is one of the most controversial and emotive of all ethical issues, raising fundamental questions about human existence.
In addition to what LeCesne called the «fundamental fairness issue» of withholding a benefit the school has earned, a five - year renewal will raise questions about the school's viability with not only potential donors and lenders, but also parents and possible faculty members.
To make that update more effective, BVF raises the following questions and challenges the Board and management to finally address these fundamental issues:
Local schools are invited to bring groups of children 5th grade and older to learn more about the issues raised by the subjects of each portrait in Zentner's Fundamental Freedoms exhibit.
«Image World» glides over such distinctions, as if the organizers of the exhibition wanted to avoid dealing substantively with the fundamental political and philosophical issues raised by the works they chose to display, and instead preferred to dwell in superficialities.
This exhibition sought to raise some fundamental questions regarding the shifting state of economic and social exchange and to suggest ways in which the work of certain artists and critics has addressed these issues.
More disappointingly, the authors also seemed to have forgotten that the hockey stick was jsut the immediate symptom, that both they and M&M had raised more fundamental issues regarding paleo - climate science core culture — the lack of full disclosure, the acceptance of journal unenforced policy, the lack of informed and robust peer reviews, etc..
My guess is that EPA took this action to propose repealing the CPP because it wants to repeal the CPP but does not wish to raise the fundamental scientific issues posed by the EF — particularly whether CO2 has a significant effect on global temperatures.
The lack of transparency by some climate researchers, the willingness to bend the peer review process, and the willingness to destroy data rather than share it with researchers of a different perspective all raise fundamental issues of climate change policy.
Why don't you try responding to the issues raised — the fundamental error of ignoring albedo in glacials / integlacials — obviously nonsense — and formulating gas solubility questions in terms of activation energy — for which you use odd units of Kelvins equivlent to electron volts typically used in plasma physics.
My having landed your «red herring», perhaps you would now be willing to address the fundamental issue which I raised, or is my explanation and argument so good that you are incapable of addressing it?
In my view, the other issues raised by Trenberth et al. are important, but secondary to this fundamental problem.
Rather, it raised «a more fundamental issue of principle», ie whether it was relevant «when considering whether a case falls within the ambit of Art 5 (1), to have regard to the purpose for which a person's freedom of movement has been restricted» (at [22]-RRB-.
The case raises two important constitutional issues: firstly, whether the horizontal effect of EU fundamental rights must be direct; and, secondly, how the balance between conflicting fundamental rights should be reached in a private dispute.
After taking the matter under advisement, Collings issued his opinion yesterday, which he began with this statement: «It sometimes happens that small cases raise issues of fundamental importance in our system of justice; this case happens to be an example.»
The Chief Justice of Canada, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, addressed the latter in her recent lecture to the Canadian Bar Association, but I do not perceive that she or anyone else in the legal community have addressed the fundamental issue that the SRL phenomenon raises: the right to participate in the making of common law; the ability to put a set of interests before the courts that hitherto have not been able to afford to be there — and thus, a rather significant challenge to the validity of the whole body of common law as it stands.
It enabled me to understand that the basic issues that we raise as lay people are fundamental — that they are issues that need to be raised, even (if not especially) if lawyers don't welcome us raising them, or do not understand why we are raising them.
We consider questions as to the proper construction of insurance policies, which may raise issues as to the identification of fundamental terms, the peril insured against and the proper subject matter of the contract.
This raises issues of compatibility with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
However, is not uncommon that diametrically opposed positions that are not susceptible to negotiation and compromise are raised on fundamental issues in a case.
The issues of principle raised by the closed material procedure were so fundamental that a closed material procedure should only be introduced in ordinary civil litigation (including judicial review) if Parliament saw it fit to do so.
Amy acted for Erdenet on appeal in this contractual dispute raising fundamental issues as to the application of the «Canada Trust gloss» for service of proceedings out of the jurisdiction.
Nor were there any issues raised that the return to the children's custodian in Germany would invoke a Canadian public policy exemption as set out in Art. 20 of the Hague Convention on grounds of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
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