Sentences with phrase «fundamental purpose»

Although it has the same fundamental purpose as the value proposition and positioning statement, the sales presentation is usually longer and accompanied by visuals.
They may go quite far in pointing out how those purposes are not well served by current practices, but as participants they have no leverage for asking about fundamental purposes and assumptions.
Saving and investing are both very important, but serve two different fundamental purposes.
By awarding accreditation to religious colleges, the process confers legitimacy on institutions that systematically undermine the most fundamental purposes of higher education.
Matchmaker is its chance to fulfill the most fundamental purpose of what we used to call «social networks.»
«That there fundamental purpose is to communicate a Christian gospel that is going to hopefully change society.»
My observation has been that the liberal arts colleges best able to think about themselves in terms of fundamental purposes resistant to economism are those from religious groups that have not long been assimilated into the American mainstream.
Consider that this proposition, after decades of prodding by good - government groups, was drawn up by a legislature whose fundamental purpose is to maintain its majorities.
Such proposals would undermine Title I's fundamental purpose of assisting public schools with high concentrations of poverty and high - need students.
But a conceptual breakthrough is made by recognising that there is only one fundamental purpose of assessment in education.
Way back when the middle class was a new idea, Charles Kettering said that fostering dissatisfaction is marketing's most fundamental purpose.
Our entire methodology privileges and places this essential question at the center, where it belongs, and identifies the fundamental purpose of why our clients are in business.
What is the fundamental purpose of a company?
Inserting additional questions on demographics which will likely result in invalid population totals must be avoided to preserve the fundamental purpose for the exercise — obtaining an accurate count and geographical distribution of individuals living in the U.S.
The fundamental purpose of a sales manager is to ensure that the salespeople in the company grow and succeed.
On the positive side, if the Conservative Government does table its proposed legislative aid mandate, it will afford an opportunity for a more open public debate, in which we will have a chance to address the fundamental purposes of the aid program, and how those purposes may be best achieved.
Geck writes that Bach composed for many reasons, but his fundamental purpose was devotional.
Its fundamental purpose is to transcend the limits of life on earth by orienting souls upward toward God, but instead of transcendence it deals in «shamscendence,» thrashing sideways from one earthly fad to another as it sinks into decline.
The fundamental purpose or function of life, not just that of humans but of all living things, is to make more living things.
It goes against the fundamental purpose of church.
Both came to the same conclusion based on their insider's view of the Central Intelligence Agency: the fundamental purpose of the CIA is not information gathering, as most citizens believe; it is to carry out disinformation campaigns in service to illegal presidential objectives.
Perhaps also this book not only may throw light on the fundamental purposes by which education should be directed, but may at the same time suggest the outlines of a relevant and mature faith for modern man — a faith that grows directly out of the daily struggle to make responsible decisions.
But it was when he spoke directly to this subject of financial support that Kirkland came closest to his fundamental purpose:
These sexual practices are undesirable because they contradict the fundamental purpose of sexuality, which is the establishment of families and the raising of children.
Thus far the fundamental purpose of the economy as understood on the basis of modern metaphysics is to increase the total quantity of goods and services available to human beings as individuals.
It does express God's creative character and his fundamental purpose in bringing the world into fullness of being, but that is only its abstract essence.
The fundamental purpose is fulfilled only when the reader is drawn into the biblical community and interprets his own situation under its impact.
So the new draft of Pastor Bonus will change structures but not the fundamental purpose of the Curia.
The fundamental purposes of the convention have not altered in 70 years.
What has been happening can from one point of view be described as a change in the fundamental purpose of the liberalization process.
The jaundiced look which some people cast at the church institution is appropriate only if the institution's fundamental purpose — to provide channels for serving individuals — has been forgotten and the institution has become an end in itself.
As he sees it, the organizational dilemma of the church is that the very institutional forms necessary for the church to carry on its work continually threaten to distort and obscure the fundamental purpose for which the institution was founded.
Our concerns go beyond the particulars of our case and the record of two football seasons to the academic autonomy of our institutions, the integrity of college athletics and the ability of the NCAA to achieve its fundamental purpose.
«The fundamental purpose of our research is to understand athletes at the molecular level,» Shane explained.
This stance does not help detractors see and want to learn about the other side (and this is the fundamental purpose of the websites is it not?)
All the main European social democratic parties are facing a crisis, registering at long last endlessly postponed questions about their fundamental purpose.
For this reason, he argued that the power of the state and laws should only extend so far as to achieve social well - being without unduly sacrificing liberty, as their fundamental purpose was to maximise societal good.
The debate about the fundamental purpose of the Lords is the one that should be happening but isn't.
The Society's fundamental purpose, as it has been since its foundation in 1660, is to recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity.
RACC and leadership have no strategic vision to gain seats and then govern the Assembly in the majority — the fundamental purpose of the conference.
A case can be made that the weighting for MP representation in that formula should be greater, given the fundamental purpose of Short money is for parliamentary representation.»
The fundamental purpose of the MAS program and its sponsors is unsurprising: to combat the lack of underrepresented minorities doing research in the aquatic fields.
The fundamental purpose of this work was to provide information critical to protect public health and to develop measures effective against future influenza pandemics.
Its fundamental purpose is found in the formulation of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).16 These hormones possess three and four atoms of iodine per molecule, respectively.
Another reason that I scooped up this tee is because the fundamental purpose behind the Le Motto Collection is to promote positivity.

Phrases with «fundamental purpose»

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