Sentences with phrase «funded researchers»

"Funded researchers" refers to individuals who receive financial support for their research projects. It means that their work is being financially backed or sponsored by an organization, such as a government agency, foundation, or university. Full definition
It would also give priority to federally funded researchers in times of shortage.
Both federally - and privately funded researchers would be subject to the regulations.
Throughout several decades of the 20th century, for example, the lead paint industry funded researchers to investigate the effect of their product on the brain development of children.
His laboratory has been designated to characterize the nine or so embryonic stem cell lines that are currently available to federally funded researchers.
News of the trial is also likely to raise the morale of federally funded researchers at the US National Institutes of Health working on hESCs, as the legality of federal funding for their research is being challenged in court.
Shortly after his inauguration, Bush ordered a review of the current National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy, which allows the funding of embryonic stem cell studies as long as researchers receive the cells from privately funded researchers who have derived them in accord with a set of ethical guidelines (ScienceNOW, 23 August 2000).
For this reason Cornwall Council enlisted the help of ESRC - funded researchers from Plymouth University to improve training for their social care workforce.
Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it,» makes me believe this entire field is no longer acting as a group of PUBLICLY funded researchers in search of the truth.
A resource for NSF - funded researchers around the nation since 2004, the shake table, based at the University of California, San Diego, can replicate ground motions of most of the world's largest earthquakes.
In a potential platform changing announcement, Ethereum foundation leader Vitalik Buterin released the details of a new subsidy program that is meant to help fund researchers and developers to produce innovative and effective solutions to the Ethereum scaling problem.
This dream just got a little bit closer to coming true thanks to the amazing work of Morris Animal Foundation - funded researcher Dr. Rebecca Bellone and her team at the University of California, Davis.
The AKC / CHF funds researchers for specific proposals for breed specific health issues.
There's no policy board, but the bill's co-sponsors, Senators Cory Gardner (R — CO) and Gary Peters (D — MI) borrowed liberally from the Academies report's suggestion to conduct several pilot projects aimed at cutting down on the amount of time federally funded researchers spend on administrative tasks.
Dr. Ghannoum lectures to the National Institute of Health (NIH) and has been a NIH - funded researcher since 1993 with $ 25 million in funding to date.
David Deming: The Achievement Gap: A Preschool Problem Educations Funders Researchers Initiative, November 18, 2013 «There is a strong argument that the roots of inequality are in early childhood and therefore we could use a major shift in social policy toward early intervention.
Foundation funded researchers recently found a genetic risk factor for this type of cancer in Haflinger horses, an important first step in developing improved diagnostic tests for this important cancer.
These publicly funded researchers (and no you can't use that word enough) has formed alliances with those that share a belief in their pet theory and have (and for all I know still are) acting to exclude those that simply wish to advance knowledge (see emails regarding black listing journals / authors they don't agree with).
To provide farmers with near - real time drought information, NSF - funded researchers developed the Global Integrated Drought Monitoring and Prediction System (GIDMaPs).
One analysis by Quantopian hedge - fund researcher Karen Rubin showed that women CEOs outperform peers three to one in the S&P 500, further developing the conversation over women driving top financial returns.
For party funding researchers, the year after a general election can produce days of excitement akin to Christmas.
Last month, NSF Director France Córdova admitted that the agency sometimes learns about sexual harassment charges involving NSF - funded researchers through the media, saying «that's a pretty poor way to find out.»
In 1991, William Hammer, an NSF - funded researcher hunting for fossils in Antarctica's Beardmore Glacier region, discovered this skull (left) and a large femur, which belonged to a completely unknown species of therapod — a bipedal, carnivorous dinosaur whose members include the more familiar tyrannosaurs and Velociraptors.
What I mean is, once you have your R01 it's only a matter of time until you receive a good tenure - track offer from a fine institution, negotiate a strong start - up package, and get off to an excellent start as an independently funded researcher.
A team of NSF - funded researchers excavated this and other fossils from a quarry at Mount Kirkpatrick in the Transantarctic Mountains.
He has also been an inveterate foe of abortion, a position that informed his repeated votes against expanding the number of human embryonic stem cell lines available to NIH - funded researchers during the George W. Bush administration.
But they receive only 27 % of R01s, NIH's basic independent research grants that funds researchers throughout their careers.
In 1993, new rules required that NIH - funded researchers include more women in clinical trials.
The ideological struggle may garner more attention, but the practical one may cause DOE - funded researchers greater heartache.
An NSF - funded researcher points to annual layers of snow accumulation in a snow pit located near the South Pole.
A requirement that DOE - funded researchers submit metadata and links for their papers goes into effect on 1 October.
Scientists say the findings bolster the argument that federally funded researchers need access to fresh lines and should not have to rely just on those derived before 9 August 2001 (ScienceNOW, 10 August 2001:).
We spent nearly # 5 million last year in Edinburgh, funding researchers working on new ways to prevent, diagnose and cure cancer.
Analysing research, healthcare data and the lived - experience of 10 - 24 year olds from four different countries, MQ - funded researchers hope to find universal risk factors for depression.
NIH - funded researchers taught 2 patients who were paralyzed by stroke — a 58 - year - old woman and a 66 - year - old man — to mentally control a robotic limb.
ERC Consolidator Grants fund researchers who are at the stage of setting up their own independent research team or program, and aims to strengthen new research teams.
I was an NSF and DOE funded researcher studying birth defects at Lawrence National Labs in California.
Government - funded researchers writing in the journal Obesity say that if recent trends hold up, 86.3 % of adults in the United States will be overweight by 2030, and all adults will be by 2048.
EAT is committed to finding a cure for food allergies by directly funding the researchers who strive to find new treatments and solutions for this growing epidemic.
The statistics of the original mutual fund researchers in the sixties and early seventies failed to turn up such above - average performance by any investors..»»..
A Morgan Stanley ETF and closed - end fund researcher summarized this when he explained, «They have attributes of passive management in that they track an index, but they're also like active management in that they're trying to beat it.»
Developing a reputation for a quality and productive research program and a strong orthopedic elective surgical caseload, Dr. Bertone has been recognized as one of the top extramurally funded researchers in the college, with more than 180 peer - reviewed scientific publications.
Dr. Gookin is one of several Foundation - funded researchers interested in learning more about this organism.
He notes that federally funded researchers tend to create doomsday scenarios — a trend that guarantees more research dollars.
The Arctic Visiting Speakers Program funds researchers and other arctic experts to travel and share their knowledge in communities where they might not otherwise connect.
NASA funded the researchers, who published their results this week in Science Express.
For all practical purposes they can not be reproduced, produce widely different results depending on the initial conditions used, and are so expensive that it is not realistic for any but highly funded researchers to test them.
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