Sentences with phrase «funded study suggests»

The antidepressant Lexapro (escitalopram) may reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes, the bouts of sweating and overheating that are an uncomfortable fact of life for many menopausal women, a new government - funded study suggests.
Now a new government - funded study suggests researchers are getting closer to being able to independently verify an individual nation's CO2 output.
A new government - funded study suggests that addictive opioid painkillers may not be better than other, non-opioid kinds of drugs for treating chronic back pain and arthritis.
Avocado Board - funded studies suggest avocados may facilitate weight loss, but compared to what?

Not exact matches

The studies conducted in the late 60s that suggested fat intake was a greater risk factor for heart disease than sugar consumption were actually funded by the Sugar Research Foundation, according to a new analysis published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine.
For the five years ended this past August 31, the Group of Fifteen experienced on average negative returns of 8.89 % per year, vs. a negative 2.71 % for the S&P 500.4 The group of ten value funds I had studied in the «Searching for Rational Investors» article had been suggested by Bob Goldfarb of the Sequoia Fund.5 Over those same five years, the Goldfarb Ten enjoyed positive average annual returns of 9.83 %.
This means they are constantly buying and selling stocks to attempt to time the market and capture gains, studies suggest that they fail at this miserably over time and lose more than just keeping the funds in a passive account which is periodically re balanced.
Research findings from the Center for Talent Innovation, a New York - based think tank headed by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, found that having something inherently in common with the funder, decision maker or investor makes an enormous difference, since 56 percent of decision makers in the study did not value ideas they didn't personally see a need for, even when evidence suggests that it's a good, marketable idea.
And Why It's A Good Thing For C - Section Babies A new study funded by the National Institutes of Health suggests that you not...
There are fears now that students could face charges of up to # 12,000 a year to study at a university in England, although the review suggests that universities which charge more than # 6,000 a year will face a further levy, aimed at funding poorer students.
Children's ages, peer environment quality, and recent funding affect decisions to move to new institutions, a new study suggests
Although these facts do not mean that the results are invalid, a 2003 study published in the British Medical Journal suggests that trials funded by drug companies are more likely to report favorable results about their products than are trials funded by independent organizations.
Preliminary results from the five - year study (funded by Monsanto) suggest that new strategies, such as combining multiple chemicals and applying herbicides both before and after weeds emerge, can improve crop yields compared with the typical glyphosate - heavy approach, while slowing the emergence of resistance.
The study seems to suggest «that these people who are funded for these small amounts of money and who are able to work in someone else's well - endowed lab... are able to do somewhat risky research,» Stephan says.
He points to studies suggesting that breakthroughs can come at any stage of a scientist's career, and that because advances are partly a result of luck, NIH should fund as many scientists as possible.
The bill does allocate $ 1 million for a «contract» between the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products and the National Academy of Medicine to conduct a more thorough study of the health effects of e-cigarettes and suggest how federal funds should be spent on future e-cigarette research.
They plow some of their profits into promotional industry groups that fund research studies, they make alliances with medical organizations to educate the public about milk, and they provide free materials to schools suggesting that milk is vital to good nutrition.
The report is silent on the total amount of funding required to study the changing Arctic, but it suggests a number of structural changes to funding mechanisms.
Even with such corrections, Fang said, «Our study suggests that research misconduct does not involve a large percentage of research funding in the United States.»
In HIV - infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART), ongoing HIV replication in lymphoid tissues such as the lymph nodes helps maintain stores, or reservoirs, of the virus, a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health suggests.
ACD members seemed generally supportive, although some suggested NIH should first study the matter more, asked about NIH's ultimate targets for redistributing funds, or wondered about potential adverse consequences, such as even fiercer competition for grants.
The study was funded by the MacArthur Foundation Project on Law and Neuroscience, and it suggests that when it comes to crime and punishment, we may be impartial but we're not without passion.
Now, an American Automobile Association - funded study has found that people need between 15 and 27 seconds to refocus afterward, suggesting that that drivers should refrain from using hands - free technology even while stopped at a stoplight.
The economic stimulus package that President Obama signed in February includes $ 11 billion to build a bigger and more efficient grid, but a recent study by Oracle Corp. suggests that privately funded smart - grid projects face perception challenges.
The study, which is the first detailed assessment of public and charitable funding to UK researchers focusing on bacteriology and antibiotic research, suggests that present levels of funding for antibiotic research in the UK are inadequate, and will need to be urgently increased if the growing crisis of antibiotic resistance is to be tackled effectively by UK researchers.
The findings are in line with other studies that suggest that cognitively stimulating activities can indeed increase cognitive reserve and delay cognitive decline in older age» says Anja Leist who is supported by a postdoctoral research fellowship of the National Research Fund Luxembourg.
A new analysis challenges a troubling 2011 study that suggested that black researchers encounter racial bias when they seek funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
A new study, published in this week's issue of Current Biology and partly funded by the National Science Foundation, suggests that salmon find their home rivers by sensing the rivers» unique magnetic signature.
Individuals who are diabetic and have suffered a cardiac event may benefit from chelation therapy; the Trial to Access Chelation Therapy study which was funded by the National Institutes for Health suggests that chelation therapy may significantly reduce a recurrent cardiac event.
An industry - funded, randomized, double blind, placebo - controlled crossover trial study suggests chocolate may improve symptoms for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome — a debilitating condition currently affecting as many as seven million Americans.
Now, a new National Institutes of Health - funded study combining these two nutritional supplements suggests using both can have a significant impact on cardiovascular risk without the side effects associated with many blood pressure drugs.
Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics suggest that the introduction of state funding for kindergarten prompted a reduction in Head Start participation among African Americans.
The fact that half of the states that have implemented school funding systems relied on «costing out» studies based on the evidence - based method suggests the strength of our approach.
In Chingos's words, «the study strongly suggests that monies restricted for the purpose of funding class - size reduction mandates are not a productive use of limited educational resources.»
Our studies suggest that instead, many states have played a shell game with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, backfilling cuts to education with those one - time dollars.
Jensen suggests that the majority of studies around the world have shown that class size reductions do not significantly improve student outcomes, and that the funds should have been redirected toward enhancing teacher quality.
Mindset Shifts and Parent Teacher Home Visits, a study funded in part by Flamboyan Foundation, commissioned by the Parent Teacher Home Visits (PTHV), and led by RTI International, suggests home visits decrease implicit bias among educators.
But studies of existing preschool programs suggest that the benefits of government - sponsored preschool hardly merit the investments already made, let alone billions of dollars in additional federal funds to vastly expand those programs.
A comprehensive study of Michigan districts indicates that the most cost - effective size is about 2,900 students, suggesting that Texas» funding system overestimates the cost savings of its larger districts while providing additional funding to others based on non-existent or exaggerated disadvantages related to scale.
In response to Howard Blume's article «Charters Draw Students From Private Schools, Study Finds», it is simply absurd to suggest that the state's charter schools are «placing an ever - greater burden on taxpayers, who must fund an already strained public education system».
If you want suggested reading on this, look at the investing books of John C. Bogle who studied some of this rather extensively, in addition to being one of the first to create an index fund that became known as «Bogle's Folly,» where a couple of key ones would be «Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor» and «Bogle on Mutual Funds: New Perspectives for the Intelligent Investor.»
A new study for the Investor Education Fund (IEF) suggests there's a disconnect between how Canadians view their own risk tolerance and how they actually behave.
Put differently, a recent IMF study suggested it could take 50 - 60 days for full liquidation of a US high yield fund, compared to the 7 day limit for redemption payments on US funds («Global Financial Stability Report», IMF, October 2014).»
Also, some studies suggest the funds with high turnover are more skilled, so the skill nearly offsets any trading disadvantage.
But a new study suggests such alternative funds may now be moving more in tandem with stocks than they used to.
There were a few studies that suggested ways of narrowing down the field by eliminating funds that had certain characteristics such as the highest fees, or only including funds that had certain qualitative features such as a large personal stake in the fund by the manager, but no single factor worked consistently.
I want to invest further amount on Mutual Funds and how much shall i invest on Mutual Funds Per Month and apart from that kindly suggest me any other Mutual Funds to invest which gives high returns in Future or shall i continue to invest in the above Mutual Funds itself only, apart from that i have One Son who is studying in 5th Class so that i can utilize the amount for his higher education in the Future.
Turning to the U.S., a study by Coval and Moscowitz found that mutual fund managers «earn substantial abnormal returns in nearby investments,» suggesting that «investors trade local securities at an informational advantage.»
Most U.S. studies suggest that about 80 per cent of actively managed funds trail behind their benchmark indexes over a period of 10 years or more.
For the five years ended this past August 31, the Group of Fifteen experienced on average negative returns of 8.89 % per year, vs. a negative 2.71 % for the S&P 500.4 The group of ten value funds I had studied in the «Searching for Rational Investors» article had been suggested by Bob Goldfarb of the Sequoia Fund.5 Over those same five years, the Goldfarb Ten enjoyed positive average annual returns of 9.83 %.
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