Sentences with phrase «funding for school districts»

He joined us to discuss funding for school districts in the state.
He said state funding for school district bond repayments has fallen from 44 percent to 7 percent over the last 15 years.
Each student in one of these categories would be counted as 1.2 students and would thus capture additional funding for their school districts.
The governor said he would create a $ 500 million competitive incentive fund for school districts, half to reward improved student achievement and half to reward administrative efficiency.
It would also provide a cost - of - living adjustment for transportation funding for all school districts.
To alleviate some of the strain on local budgets, the federal government passed and implemented a large stimulus package, which included funds for school districts.
Georgia bases its education funding for school districts on their enrollment, and that has basically been static, said Ted Beck, chief financial officer for the Georgia Department of Education.
According to the survey, a whopping «75 percent of school leaders encourage an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with the new standards,» while 15 % fewer of those surveyed support the «flexibility» (SNA's favorite buzzword for: «gutting of regulations») which the SNA is now doggedly pursuing on Capitol Hill via its high - powered lobbyists.
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides funding for school districts that serve low - income students in order to address achievement gaps.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's top budget advisor on Sunday afternoon released a lengthy statement that in essence launched a discussion over equitable funding for school districts in the state budget, adding to a contentious discussion in Albany over fair funding for wealthy and poor schools across New York.
The state of Michigan recently looked at what adequate funding for school districts is to achieve good scores.
About a month later, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed state budget aimed to reduce funding for school district central offices by $ 1.2 billion.
DPI also asked for extra funding for school districts receiving students with disabilities through open enrollment.
Killian, a former Rye councilwoman, pointed to her backing of a bill that would classify mass shootings as domestic terrorism as well as funding for school districts to bolster security.
California may at first look like it is increasing funding for school districts, but in reality this budget serves only to blunt the impact of rising pension costs for a year.
The Court of Appeals dismissed the bulk of a lawsuit contending the state hasn't lived up to a 2006 court mandate to increase funding for New York City schools by $ 1.9 billion, and by extension, funding for school districts throughout the state.
Cuomo insists he'll withhold more than $ 1 billion in added funding for school districts across the state unless legislators approve a plan that includes more charter schools and teacher ratings linked to standardized test scores.
In the 2018 state budget negotiations, a rewrite to fix an inequitable sharing of state funding for school districts reached the top of the agenda.
Construction bonding authority — a technical, and often obscure, source of capital funding for school districts — has emerged as a hot ticket for those looking to finance school facilities work under the federal government's economic - stimulus program.
Would designate nearly $ 538 million in lottery revenues as discretionary funds for school districts, in addition to...
Enact comprehensive tax reform to achieve equitable and stable funding for all school districts — because every student, regardless of where they live, deserves a world - class education with opportunities to grow within their communities and beyond.
Fully fund the Education Finance Act — the state has failed to fully fund this legislation that provides crucial funding for school districts statewide, forcing local school districts and county governments to increase millage year after year.
The Military Education Savings Act proposes creating ESAs for certain military - connected students, which could decimate funding for school districts eligible for Impact Aid.
This rule ensures that states don't dramatically reduce funding for their school districts year to year, but under the new House bill, states would be able to dramatically cut their K — 12 education contributions without jeopardizing their federal funds.
Miller also took aim at the flexibility bill passed by the committee in July, which he labeled a «slush fund for school districts
SB 38's New Structure Part of the reason that SB 38 is garnering broader support stems from the fact that the bill will likely also increase equity funding for school districts.
Proposed changes to Pennsylvania's special education funding for school districts and charter schools will put some of the state's charters out of business, according to charter school advocates.
After Mr. Gunderson spoke out against an amendment offered by Rep. Mel Hancock, R - Mo., that would have barred federal funding for school districts that encourage or support «homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative,» Rep. Robert K. Dornan, R - Calif., made some pointed remarks about the lawmaker's own lifestyle.
Nixon has been very close with the Alliance for Quality Education, an organization that has been pushing the state to fulfill the terms of a lawsuit over equitable funding for school districts.
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer said, «The final plan secures our fair share of state funding for our school districts in Western New York, and restores funding — initially cut under the Executive Budget proposal — to our local public libraries.
We are thrilled to share with you our Equity Dashboard, a new data tool that shows Illinois» progress toward equitable and adequate funding for all school districts.
Probably everyone in this room believes the state must step up with additional funding for the School District.
Mr. Steele, dubbed the «singing superintendent» after he cut a record with the country singer Tammy Wynette to provide funds for the school district's college - scholarship fund, has joined the staff of the Seattle - based Pacific Institute, a firm that specializes in international corporate education.
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has announced more than $ 1.6 billion in funding for school districts to help students manage their asthma.
It includes a New York State United Teachers union logo, citing a cut in funding for school districts.
In addition to a base level of funding for all school districts, the state provides supplemental funding based on other «factors» such as a district's size, cost of living, and number of at - risk students.
Further study is needed on capital needs and funding for school districts and charter schools, high - needs poverty and student transportation costs.
To address the issues, 75 percent of school leaders encourage an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with the new standards and 60.3 percent support additional flexibility for school districts to improve their ability to provide good nutrition without harm to instruction, personnel, and other school district operations.
Our organization, the Connecticut School Finance Project, in partnership with the University of Connecticut's Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research and Neag School of Education, developed the model to help increase stability and predictability in special education funding for school districts, while ensuring decisions in service delivery and identification remain local.
Provide at least a cost - of - living increase to the Basic Subsidy and Special Education line items, which will help to mitigate the seriously negative effects of last summer's huge cut in state funding for school districts.
The Co-op allows state and local governments to share in the cost of funding special education through a cooperative model that uses actuarial principles to increase stability and predictability in special education funding for school districts, while ensuring decisions in service delivery remain local.
Both the House and Senate budget proposals include draconian cuts to funding for school districts» central office operations.
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