Sentences with phrase «funding someone receive»

This is because with traditional underinsured motorist insurance, the total recovery amount is reduced by funds received from any other source, in this case the other motorist's insurance policy.
There are over one million members and $ 10 million in funds received by attractive members for their time.
Loans are forgiven at a rate of two years of service for each year of funding received.
But last week, the district said it plans to continue the temporary positions using the additional state funds it receives for serving high - needs students.
Separate accounts must be established for funds received in relation to these two different types of service.
Funds received as a gift and used for the purchase of the property may NOT be reimbursed with the proceeds of the new mortgage loan.
This document details the final costs and fees paid or funds received through your transaction, and may be helpful for your records and for tax purposes.
The money will be distributed over five years to the winners, which will have to match the federal funding they receive, dollar for dollar.
This fee does not affect the amount of grant funding received or the payment due to artists.
The less property wealth a district has, the more state funds it receives.
Any winning candidates who decide to decline the office they were elected to in favor of a higher paying job should have to pay back any public campaign funds they received during the election.
The investors in his Target fund received more gracious treatment.
This is because the index does not take into account any dividends, bonus, etc. that an index fund receives by the virtue of its actual holdings.
An investor in a mutual fund receives shares, similar to shares received by the owner of a stock.
Generally an employee's super contribution is counted as being paid on the date their super fund receives it — not the date a clearing house receives it from you.
Strong back office providers track changes at the state and federal levels that might impact how much funding you receive and when you receive it.
After all, even if the court decides that the amount paid in the merger was fair and the hedge fund receives nothing extra, it still receives the interest.
Remember, the pension amount that you receive from your employer or pension fund received from other sources is taxable.
All state or county funds received by the authority have been accounted for.
The bulk of our funding is from the Australian Government, with additional funding received from state and local government grants and client fees.
This ensures funds received are sufficient to fully satisfy the payoff.
If all the extra funding they received was put into the general pool statewide, each student would receive a little less than $ 100.
Similarly, if a mutual fund receives tax - exempt interest on municipal bonds, it can pay you a dividend that is treated like tax - exempt interest.
Save what you can, even if it's small, but prioritize your goals so that your emergency fund receives the most attention.
Again — disclosing the exact amount of funding you received is field - specific.
Funds received as a partial withdrawal can be used as a financial aid in the case of need.
For each district, we compare the additional costs incurred to the additional funding received from the state.
In order for funds received on behalf of clients (e.g., trust deposits, rental funds, security deposits, etc.) to be deposited into trust upon receipt, arrangements must be made for licensees to deliver these funds immediately to the brokerage.
As part of the national program, the New Haven Public Education Fund received $ 1.2 million in a three - year grant from DeWitt Wallace - Reader's Digest Foundation.
In addition, they have a «duty to use funds received from purchasers of digital tokens, only for purposes related to maintaining the ability to fulfill the obligation to redeem digital tokens at a nominal price.»
The following funds receive our Attractive - or - better rating and allocate significantly to JBSS.
Continuing the Front Mission similarities, Tekkou Hohei allows you to customize your mecha with various parts and weapons, which you can purchase with funds you receive for completing missions.
More than 90 cents on every dollar of funding we receive goes directly back to local CACs to help and protect kids, while the rest bolsters the national movement to provide evidence - based support for children and families experiencing abuse.
Their priority should be to repay the taxpayer funds they received after the bust, and when that obligation is satisfied, the GSEs should cut their fees.
Corporate actions: If fund received any dividend from underlying stocks it has to be efficiently re-invested.
Total funding received by GovTech startups is already more than $ 1 billion.
IBKR's Hedge Fund Capital Introduction ramps up with 60 % of funds receiving at least one investment and the funds reporting an average 2013 rate of return of 20 %.
After soliciting input for over a year from education groups, research and advocacy organizations, students and parents, the State Board of Education on Friday approved final regulations governing how districts spend funds they receive through the Local Control Funding Formula, the state's new school financing law.
TEP reallocates the public funding it receives as a charter school to pay its teaching professionals an annual salary of $ 125,000, with the opportunity to earn a significant performance bonus.
Current Funds shall include all dues of annual members, all receipts from publications and all other funds received in the continuing operations of the Association.
Payment is made on a monthly basis and will be based upon actual funds received from clients for Contractor's services.
They will note that vouchers in DC are worth almost 1/3 as much as the per pupil funding received by DC's traditional public schools and almost half as much as DC's charter schools.
So, now that you understand the grammatical history of section 523 (a)(8)(A)(ii), don't let those creditors try to cheat you by arguing your client's private student loan is an «obligation to repay funds received as an educational benefit.»
One way they plan to boost activity in the corridor is by utilizing funding received from the New York Power Authority.
By 2020 if not sooner, the GSEs will have returned all of the $ 250 billion in bailout funding they received in the financial crisis, experts say.
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