Sentences with phrase «further decrease»

To prevent further decrease of our glutathione levels, we must boost our body's ability to manufacture this master antioxidant.
Overall, 58 percent expect an increase in their region, while 27 percent expect no change and only 17 percent expect to see further decreases.
When asked specifically about their region, respondents were even more bearish, with just 14 percent expecting further decreases, 13 percent seeing no change and 73 percent expecting cap rate increases.
CLICK HERE to see how delaying sold foods until 4 months decreases obesity rates and that rate is further decreased if the baby is solely breastfed.
There may also be nutritional supplements or herbal medicine that can further decrease inflammation and support healing.
And farther west the relative number of Jewish stores of importance further decreases.
Such reductions in the deficit would have effects on the economy that would further decrease deficits by modest amounts.
Adding race, gender and socioeconomic background into the equation would further decrease chances of receiving a profile that could excel in the current system of the world.
The proposed changes would further decrease government revenue and add to the federal deficit.
You might benefit further from using them alongside maternity support belts, which further decrease aches and actually improve your posture during pregnancy.
To further decrease losses, some long stretches would use direct current, instead of the usual alternating current that most of the system — and virtually all households and businesses — run on.
Reduced neck and shoulder pain further decreases the chances of sustaining an injury and helps you sleep better.
The fund's substantial front load further decreases its most recent 10 - year return below that of its benchmark index.
Original dual noise reduction & column A / D conversion further decrease noise to ensure smooth, clear reproduction - even in low - light.
All of these consume a lot of power and with such impressive hardware, users are bound to push it to the limit with heavy games and applications, which further decrease battery life.
Before you leave these settings, you can also change other text features such as the font size and screen color, which can further decrease eye strain.
Further decreases in stock correlations also contribute to our favorable outlook for long short equity.
On top of that these processed dog foods are often loaded with grains and carbohydrates causing a rapid growth rates which further decreases the density of the bones.
When asked specifically about their region, respondents were a tad more bearish, with just 24 percent expecting further decreases, 16 percent seeing no change and 60 percent expecting cap rate increases.
This direct connection allows law firms to automate yet another error - prone step in the calendaring process, thereby further decreasing risk of a malpractice suit due to missing a court deadline.
Fan use may be an effective intervention for further decreasing SIDS risk in infants in adverse sleep environments.
High doses (≥ 30 nM) of ActD did not further decrease cell viability or increase p53 expression.
But the balance between DVMs and the limited deep - water oxygen supply could be easily upset, Bianchi said — particularly by climate change, which is predicted to further decrease levels of oxygen in the ocean.
Magnesium also improves sleep quality, which further decreases stress [5](the study looks at the elderly, but I and many people I know enjoy better sleep after supplementing with magnesium.
A borrower's credit score can decrease by 25 to 50 points when a delinquency occurs with subsequent delinquencies causing further decreases.
The bookseller is hoping to further decrease Nook expenses by $ 40 million over the course of 2018.
Having a few around the house with further decrease their need to try their sharpening skills on your couch.
This link allows law firms to automate yet another error - prone step in the calendaring process, thereby further decreasing risk of a malpractice suit due to missing a court deadline.
But a second effect of the same gene further decreases the sensitivity of CPT1A to inhibition by malonyl - CoA.
The study notes that a 99 % population increase since 1950 combined with a 127 % increase in water use has further decreased water availability, making it increasingly difficult to replenish water supplies after a drought.
The above - average cost of living further decreases Chicago's appeal to entrepreneurs.
The adoption of this transaction batching technology will further decrease transaction fees.
Moreover, when compared with spontaneous labor, induced labor is associated with a lower likelihood of achieving VBAC (45, 48, 101, 106), and some evidence suggests that this is the case whether the cervix is favorable or unfavorable (although an unfavorable cervix further decreases the chance of success)(100, 107, 108).
But if you get rid of local agriculture, then you have to go farther away for your food, inevitably putting more CO2 in the atmosphere from food transport, and that could result in further decreased snowpack in the Rocky Mountains and diminished rains in the Southwest desert, causing water levels to fall even lower.
The settlers persecuted the devils, and the subsequent decline in their population probably further decreased the already low genetic diversity of the species.
Russia, China, the US and Japan further decreased their CO2 emissions from 2015 to 2016, while the EU's emissions remained stable with respect to the previous year, and India's emissions continued to increase.
«We have the tools at this moment to further decrease incidence of new infections, but we need to apply these tools more effectively to reach the undiagnosed and untreated mothers,» Fogarty Director, Dr. Roger I. Glass, and U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx, wrote in a foreword to the supplement.
«Public health officials, legislators and clinicians should continue efforts and allocate resources to further decrease environmental lead exposure to children in all communities at risk.»
The molecule further decreased body weight, corrected non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and improved glucose metabolism without deleterious effects of T3 in the heart and bone.
Damiana tea has been found to dull central nervous system activity and work as a mild aphrodisiac — verified on otherwise disinterested rats — which may, arguably, further decrease anxiety levels.
After 14 days of treatment, krill oil further decreased inflammation by almost 30 percent, while the inflammation levels of the placebo group increased more than 32 percent.
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