Sentences with phrase «further harm children»

As a result, the foster care system creates revolving doors in and out of biological and foster homes that further harm children.
Physical restraints, beatings, and arrests will only further harm children trying to cope with trauma.
Since children can have potentially lethal reactions to being forced to see the rejected parent, in no circumstance is the risk of further harming the child an acceptable approach to this problem (Kelly & Johnston, 2001).

Not exact matches

Actually, experts are far from convinced that hearing the occasional dirty word does children any harm.
Cover up to protect the perpetrators at the expense and further harm to children.
Industry - backed confidentiality rules block state and county authorities from getting company shipping records so they can trace the food and protect children from further harm.
What might have happened had that contaminated meat had actually reached our children's school lunch trays, given that children are far more vulnerable to harm from foodborne illnesses than adults?
Parents can be punished for withholding medical care for their children... sometimes we take our rights so far that they cause harm to our children who are innocent and unable to protect or stand up for themselves.
Your child will be labeled a «dreamer» and a «bad student,» further harming his chances for success in life.
When this syndrome occurs, a divorced or divorcing parent seeks to punish the other parent, sometimes going far enough as to harm or deprive their children in order to make the other parent look bad.
While remaining to be within a spending plan is very important, you could be far better off investing a little a great deal much more for a child infant stroller ahead of time, instead as compared to acquiring an economical child infant stroller along with having it harms after a collection of months.
The study further revealed that more than 95 % of the parents did not know that the prolonged use of diapers could harm the child.
However, he suggested that we tend to be far better parents than citizens to such an extent that what we do for our children goes beyond legitimate partiality to harm the rest of society by keeping opportunity in the family and preventing social mobility.
It is vital to find an accurate diagnosis at all times to avoid placing the child under distress or causing further harm to them.
While scientists explore further how EMR - exposure reduces melatonin production and study whether EMR - induced oxidative stress contributes to autism — along with many other questions — we ought to first, do no harm to our children.
«Where a product does not meet that test to be classed as gambling but could potentially cause harm to children, parents will undoubtedly expect proper protections to be put in place by those that create, sell and regulate those products,» the statement furthers.
The court reasoned that resources saved by excluding undocumented children from public schools were far outweighed by the harm to America's progress by doing so.
The purpose of ESSA, in short, is to modernize and fix the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which turned into a broken system that, for more than a decade, did far more harm than good.
All of our children deserve for us to stand up and stop this sht before it goes any further and does any more harm.
There are far better ways to assess children that support rather than take time and resources away from teaching and learning, and that do not harm children the way test misuse and overuse harms them.
The resulting report, released by Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal (R) last month, found «systemic misconduct within the district as far back as 2001» and concluded that «thousands of school children were harmed by widespread cheating in the Atlanta Public School System.»
But for the children who are thriving in charter public schools, many of whom are themselves vulnerable, protecting them from further harm and investing in what's already working was the right thing for our lawmakers to do.
It is also why I have to be the one who protects my children from what has been left unprotected thus far and any potential harm that could come from that.
Child appeared on the «Newsnight» programme on Tuesday (12th August) to speak about why he had signed the Authors United letter calling on Amazon to settle its dispute with Hachette Book Group in the US without harming authors further.
The harm to family relationships caused by the incarceration of parents is exacerbated where the parent is in custody in a facility far from the community in which the children live.
If the court concludes contact between a child and a parent will place the child in imminent danger of serious harm, the judge may issue an order either temporarily terminating that parent's access to the child or require the parent's visitation to be supervised until further order of the court.
As far as the conclusions and recommendations from child custody evaluations, they just make up whatever they want based on their own personal beliefs and inherent personal biases, they then apply some psychological constructs in entirely haphazard and idiosyncratic ways to justify whatever biased and idiosyncratic conclusion was reached, and they usually take a middle - of - the road risk - management response of recommending the status quo with the addition of «reunification therapy» and an admonishment to both parents that the degree of parental conflict is harming the child and that the parents need to co-parent better.
The evidence of spousal or child abuse is considered contrary to the best interests of the child, and the court shall structure visitation to protect the child or spouse from further harm.
If the court determines that shared parental responsibility would be detrimental to the child, it may order sole parental responsibility and make such arrangements for time - sharing as specified in the parenting plan as will best protect the child or abused spouse from further harm.
Future strategies to prevent the physical abuse of children and protect them from further harm require a public health approach.
All of these approaches promote the idea that demonising your ex-partner only entrenches the relationship and harms the children further.
They contribute to furthering the courts» commitment to protecting children and any person who has a parenting order from harm resulting from family violence and abuse.
Back in 1994, the Florida legislature decided that far too many parents were going through the entire divorce or paternity process without realizing some of the harm that they were doing to their children.
These developments accentuate the need to monitor the well - being of the most disadvantaged children, but income inequality also has far - reaching consequences for society, harming educational attainment, key health outcomes and even economic growth.
«Justice Benotto wrote the following in her March 13, 2000 endorsement: «I am concerned that each day that goes by creates more and more risk that these children will be further alienated from their father and consequently permanently harmed.
«I am concerned that each day that goes by creates more and more risk that these children will be further alienated from their father and consequently permanently harmed.
There is a substantial risk that abuse in these situations will leave many children unprotected and at risk of further harm.
Further, while some offer nebulous statements that modifications are necessary, seldom are specific changes mentioned and, almost never, are criticisms raised, even when it's clear a «Family» Court is directly harming tens of thousands of children.
A child's development of trust is further compromised after multiple placements, contributing to the harm of children suffering from reactive attachment disorder.
In short, Court produces many iatrogenic effects where the unintended harm to parents and children is at times far worse than the benefit from the well intentioned outcome.
Some indications that your spouse, partner, husband or wife has gone too far include: getting angry at you when you disagree; punching holes in walls; throwing objects (aimed at nothing or at you); destroying belongings; threatening to hurt you or leave you for the purpose of intimidating you; physically preventing you from leaving home; putting pressure on you not to work when you want to; insulting or ridiculing you; becoming jealous of your friends, activities, or hobbies; making you account for your whereabouts at all times; using promises and lies to manipulate you or to get you to forgive their angry or threatening behavior; isolating you from friends or family; making you ask permission to go out or make a career move; and threatening to harm your possessions, pets, or children.
Parental Alienation is emotionally abusive to children and NOW's position is like throwing the baby out with the bath water, and further harms efforts of parents (who are frequently falsely accused of abusing their children) to protect those children.
While these children may have been removed from the harm and abuse they have experienced they remain vulnerable to further abuse and exploitation unless caregivers are well supported and appropriate services provided.
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