Sentences with phrase «further hastened»

The process was further hastened by fundamental changes made to the bench in the mid-1990s that saw the retirement of many justices of the peace and the consequent influx of many new appointments.
The gradual knitting together of the nation by railroads — especially in the North and Midwest — further hastened communication.
Another beautiful result that will only further hasten the ejection of the senile fraudster.
The patterns and layout they want to have are all available in the template that can further hasten their completion of each resume being made.

Not exact matches

It is possible the process will highlight pre-existing tensions among the remaining EU members — between those states that believe in moving toward a more deeply integrated, federalist structure, and those largely opposed to further transfers of power from national to regional bodies, preferring to maintain the status quo — and in doing so hasten the move to a so - called «two - speed» EU.
This led to debates among policymakers on whether the Fed should hasten the pace of tightening, which further exacerbated pressure on short - term Treasury yields while leaving long - term rates largely unchanged — hence a flatter yield curve.
I hasten to add that this was long ago and far away — before Vatican II was even a glimmer in Angelo Roncalli's eye.
Savulescu takes the approach further, prescribing specific techniques by which death may be hastened by physicians so that they can procure the optimal number of viable organs.
Be not far away, 0 Lord; you are my strength; hasten to help me.
Not so Abraham: joyfully, buoyantly, confidently, with a loud voice, he answered, «Here am I.» We read further: «And Abraham rose early in the morning» — as though it were to a festival, so he hastened, and early in the morning he had come to the place spoken of, to Mount Moriah.
I don't think there is a significant correlation between Catholic belief and support of independence but to the extent that there might be it, it could also have been a non-intentional disposition to hasten the day of the further decline of the Catholic Church as a force and even a presence in Scottish society giving support to proponents of radical secularization.
Paul says that we, as Christians, are supposed to use prayer to tear down strongholds, and that was probably to further the Kingdom of God and hasten the day of the Lord.
This then hastens the ripenening process — and you can speed things up further still by placing ANOTHER ethylene - producing item (like a banana) in the bag, too!
The Rikers Island closure, which Lippman's panel recommended a year ago and de Blasio reversed course in agreeing to, could be hastened further if Albany enacts changes to the criminal court system, such as ending cash bail for misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies, speeding the disclosure of trial evidence known as discovery, and reducing trial delays.
(Not actually me, I hasten to add: my Lib Dem roots are far too deep.)
The decline in herb - like plants hastened the decline in the woolly mammoth population, leading to a cycle that decreased the plant diversity further (8 February, p 12).
Though previous studies have shown that smoking hastens menopause by approximately one to two years regardless of race or genetic background, this study is the first of its kind to demonstrate that genetic background is significantly associated with a further increased risk of menopause in some white women who smoke.
It will get hot and radiate away some of its energy — «shine» — as it shrinks, so hastening the shrinkage and heating up even further.
The trick soon becomes so stale as to be boring, which also fits as a description of the film itself — comparatively short at only 88 minutes it nonetheless feels far longer than it is, meaning many may be wishing that the ending (such as it is) will hasten and allow the to credits roll.
Militant black leaders, realizing that they had failed to recognize the extent of Negro rage in the cities, hastened to make amends by demanding far - reaching reforms.
These developments, and the simple, common elements that inform them, obligate us to do far more than we currently do to hasten their replication and refinement.
Educators hastened to Helsinki from far and wide to sample the secret sauce, hoping they might recreate it back home.
Shocking as it was, Nerissa probably thought she was just hastening a death that would happen anyway, and sparing Placidia the further anguish of having to witness the child's suffering, its failure to thrive or recover from the flood.
Going up one river, he had hastened his young guides to lead him even farther up the next, and after that, yet another.
In this instance, let me hasten to re-define activist in the v broadest sense: Activist investing isn't necessarily about public engagement with a company's management — far from it, in many cases.
Further they will save us from idiotic wind - farm and solar projects which will be the biggest consumer of diminishing petroleum products the world has ever seen, hastening a PEAKOIL civil collapse.
So seems further away from the Sun could hasten and worsen such conditions.
For further information on the prospects for nuclear energy, see «Fukushima Meltdown Hastens Decline of Nuclear Power,» at
Two further blows have hastened the demise of legal aid.
Clients from as far as China have smartly prepped themselves for the worst - case scenario by getting their resumes on the launching pad to hasten any transition.
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