Sentences with phrase «further reaching aspects»

However, a bench pressing program should not merely be a list of exercises, set and repetitions — there are many further reaching aspects to be considered.
The furthest reaching aspect of this case arose in the Court's consideration of whether the breach of section 7 was in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

Not exact matches

In worship, art, architecture, literature, communal life, language, beliefs, moral values, models of a virtuous life, views of the past, the persistence of an aristocratic culture» in all of these aspects of life, a profound and far - reaching transformation of the society was underway, and the book would have benefited from greater attention to at least some of them.
But the most complex and far - reaching of all aspects of human concern is the religious one.
His concerns reached far beyond economic demands, enveloping all aspects of the People's lives — their health, education, and the enhancement of women's status in the family through their empowerment.
When the morrow came, two or three long tables were set in the far - reaching shade of grand» old oaks, whose every limb was hung plentifully with the long gray moss that is so common in the southern part of the Southern States, and which imparts to the trees in that section an aspect strikingly patriarchal.
Perhaps the most far - reaching aspect of Barbour's view of gravity is that it could reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics, the physics of the subatomic realm, marking a major step toward the long - sought theory of everything.
The findings will have far - reaching implications in many aspects of neuroscience.
The implications are far reaching and will affect every aspect of a patient's life.
«Having certified more than 112,000 teachers, we are perhaps best known for our Board certification process, but the National Board is also engaged in far - reaching initiatives to improve and elevate teaching practice across all aspects of the continuum, from the earliest days of preparation through the many aspects of teacher leadership,» said...
Its transformative aspects have far reaching potential to address teacher candidate dispositions and provide deeper understanding of social justice.
Professionalism and far - reaching experience are two essential aspects that have constructed our company's individuality.
In fact, this was the worst aspect of securitization - that such a large and far reaching group of investors, from banks of all sizes, to government entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to insurance companies like AIG, to foreign governments, to employee pension funds, to thousands of others investors all around the world, were now directly exposed to the health of the U.S. housing market.
However, because the impacts of canines on our lives are so far reaching, there are larger social aspects of the benefits of dog ownership worth mentioning.
The original purpose I believe is to let anyone on that console access content regardless of who downloaded it originally, but it seems to have more far - reaching aspects as well.
The visual novel and dating aspects are fine as far as they go but a lot of the character writing is abysmal, the characters never reach beyond the expected stereotypes.
The ability to use Mario's hat «Cappy» to reach far off switches and take control of foes was a refreshing new aspect that I absolutely loved.
The far - reaching digitisation of society exerts an unparalleled influence on almost every aspect of the medium.
This temperature change has profound and far - reaching impacts on essentially every aspect of human life and activity:
Law firms in particular should be well advanced in their preparations for the impact of GDPR on their own and client data processing activities — failure to assess every aspect of GDPR could be far reaching.
Further, «phrased as it is in the alternative (i.e., wages, hours, or working conditions»), the language of the IWC's»em ployer» definition has the obvious utility of reaching situations in which multiple entities control different aspects of the employment relationship, as when one entity, which hires and pays workers, places them with other entities that supervise the work.»
The fallout will likely be far - reaching and one aspect of it looks set to be a major shift in US firms» UK operations.
«If... some feature of the case alerts [the taxing officer] to the need to make further investigation or causes him to wonder if the information with which he is being provided is full and accurate, he may seek further information... However, if the stage has been reached where interrogatories might reasonably be ordered, the conclusion that the receiving party had not been able to satisfy the taxing officer about the bill, or some particular aspect of it, would seem inevitable.»
This is arguably the most interesting and far - reaching aspect of the Court's decision in that it essentially accords constitutional protection to the role played by lawyers in the administration of justice.
The traditional 16:9 aspect ratio means you don't have to stretch so far up to reach the notification bar and other UI elements.
By focusing on the friendship aspect of a marriage we can see the far reaching effects of it.
When couples are in distress the negative ramifications can be far reaching into many other aspects of our lives.
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