Sentences with phrase «further sensitivity studies»

These simulations are supplemented by many further sensitivity studies, including some with very refined grid meshes.

Not exact matches

The study concludes that confirmation of an independent benefit of higher daily step count on insulin sensitivity, waist to hip ratio, and body mass index provides further support in promoting higher levels of physical activity in middle aged adults.
Studies show individuals with high insulin levels do best as far as weight loss and improving insulin sensitivity on a low GI diet and this is especially true for women with PCOS.
Further studies show that drinking green tea can improve the biomarkers for insulin sensitivity.
Numerous studies show that drinking caffeine can crush your insulin sensitivity; this study gave either caffeine or a placebo to 12 volunteers, and found that those who ate caffeine became far more insulin resistant.
That's a very well designed study, the best study showing chocolate to be dangerous so far, but given all the antioxidants, nutrients and inflammation - lowering benefits discussed in this article, I'd advise you to determine whether chocolate sensitivity exists for you.
Thus, further studies are warranted to establish the relationship and possible mechanisms between strength training and improved skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity.
Hence, we feel that the most important result of the study of Stainforth et al. is that by far most of the models had climate sensitivities between 2ºC and 4ºC, giving additional support to the widely accepted range (Update: As mentioned in the follow up post, this clustering is mainly a function of the sensitivity of the original model and the random nature of the perturbations).
Thanks Pete and Gavin for your response in # 116 that the estimates for future temperature change being discussed in the climate sensitivity studies (discussed in this thread) do not generally take into account the effect of increased temperature on initiating further natural carbon release.
However, studies as far back as the 1960s have shown that an estimated Charney climate sensitivity of about 3 C seems about right, so I guess you could say that there has been no progress.
Scientists were reportedly very excited that the lower sensitivity implied that emissions control policies were now even closer within reach, but cautioned that we should not become complacent, and that further study was necessary.
From that insight and their calculations they conclude the low - climate sensitivity model studies (suggesting climate sensitivity best estimate around 2 degrees Celsius) should be revised upwards to 2.6 degrees following differences in efficacies from «instantaneous radiative forcing» — and further revised upwards to 3 degrees [the value most studies agree on] when climate forcing efficacy is calculated from ERF — «effective radiative forcing».
Additional peer reviewed studies support stronger solar influences on albedo and cloud formation then previously projected, further supporting lower sensitivity.
The only thing I find noteworthy is that it further reinforces the point that there is no scientific consensus on a best estimate for equilibrium climate sensitivity, which is entirely in agreement with the IPCC's statement in AR5 WG1 SPM: «No best estimate for equilibrium climate sensitivity can now be given because of a lack of agreement on values across assessed lines of evidence and studies
Me neither, as the study involved is the only one that has attempted to derive climate sensitivity from actual observation, which gives it far more weight than the others.
Aspects that these studies neglected were the feedback that the permafrost carbon release would have on causing further permafrost degradation and the varying response that the carbon release would have on the climate in different emission scenarios and for a range of climate sensitivities.
They are far from the only ones that explore this connection, with John Marshall and students of MIT coming to mind in their studies, but the paper apparently illustrates (haven't read; paywall) how qualitatively different climate behaviors arise for differing values of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity («ECS»).
Yang, P., M.G. Mlynczak, H. Wei, D.P. Kratz, B.A. Baum, Y.X. Hu, W.J. Wiscombe, A. Heidinger, and M.I. Mishchenko, 2003: Spectral signature of ice clouds in the far - infrared region: Single - scattering calculations and radiative sensitivity study.
Future research may gain further by assessing even more specific aspects of visual function objectively (e.g., impairment in depth perception, extreme contrast or brightness sensitivity in addition to visual acuity as assessed in NSHAP) and subjectively (e.g., self - reported trouble with reading newspaper print and recognizing people at a small distance in addition to the global assessment of one's vision as assessed in NSHAP) in the study of the effects of vision on quality of life and the capacity of a good marriage to alter these effects.
But the researchers on the current study went a step further, looking at the role that self - differentiation played in the link between rejection sensitivity and relationship satisfaction.
However, only very few studies have documented the effect of maternal depression on children's ability to process emotional expressions and even fewer incorporated measures of observed maternal sensitivity to further tease apart whether it is the symptoms per se or the associated impact via maternal sensitivity that affects children's developing emotion - processing abilities.
Further studies considering sensitivity would be useful to clarify the importance of carer's sensitivity in alternative care.
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